
Pantheon Vs Parthenon

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The word Pantheon is derived from the Greek word "pan”, which means "all” and "theos” which means "god”. The Roman culture seems to borrow on the Greek classical culture. The style and the function of these classical ancient temples show that Greeks and Romans were worshipers of many gods; and were a religious society. They provide invaluable information about the past, portrays great technical skills, lifestyle and social structures.The Parthenon shows Greece superiority in technology advancement, which gave birth to an age of philosophers.The two structures having been constructed from marble (Parthenon) and granite and concrete (Pantheon), shows that those were the raw materials available in those days. These ancient cultures portray people who also were political in their days and they loved to pass strong messages through art (classical buildings). …show more content…

The Pantheon in Rome was used for the purpose of celebrating all the Roman gods (a temple for all the Roman gods), while the Parthenon in Ancient Greece was for the goddess Athena. The Parthenon is older than the Pantheon by about six centuries (was built between 447-438 BCE and the Pantheon was built in 126 AD). The Parthenon, "It was built to replace two earlier temples of Athena on the Acropolis” (1). The Parthenon is supported by ionic columns with a rectangular floor; made entirely from marble with a base made from limestone. It's a Doric temple, with ionic frieze running round its outer walls. On the other hand, the Pantheon building is circular in shape, with covered walkway sustained granite Corinthian Columns. The concrete dome measures 4535 metric tons, and is made using marble, granite, concrete and brick. The birth of Athena is narrated by the east pediment, and the west pediment displays the competition amid Athena and Poseidon to come to be the city's patron

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