
Parkinson's Disease Research Paper

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This paper will discuss Parkinson’s disease the cause, signs and symptoms, early detection, common associated effects, treatment, solutions to environmental and genetic effects, and illness prevention strategies. While covering all these topics we will discuss how important it is to know about this disease and how we can better treat this disease to help our loved ones when they are diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. The first topic that we will discuss is the cause of Parkinson’s disease. They have determined that there is no exact cause for Parkinson’s disease. They have linked the decrease in dopamine to Parkinson’s disease but not have specifically linked the cause of Parkinson’s to the decrease in dopamine. The Second topic that we …show more content…

The first common associated effect is thinking difficulties most commonly known as dementia, this symptom occurs more frequently in the later stages and have no response to any form of treatment. The next common associated effect is depression and emotional changes, this can be caused because the affect that this disease has on the human body and can be treated with normal depression medications and treatment. The next common associated effect is swallowing problems, as Parkinson’s disease continues in its stages the patient will start to have difficulties with their ability to swallow and may cause the patient to drool. Another common associated effect is sleep disorders, this causes patients to wake up multiple times through the night and waking up before they are supposed to but also falling asleep during daytime hours. A common associated effect may also be bladder problems, this can cause the inability to control the release of urine but also complications with urination. Another common associated effect is constipation, Parkinson’s disease can cause a slowing of the digestive tract and this will lead to the patient have problems with constipation. The next common associated effect is blood pressure changes, most patients with Parkinson’s disease will have difficulties with orthostatic hypotension. The next common associated effect is smell dysfunction, this causes difficulties with the patient’s sense of smell and determining certain odors. Another common associated effect is fatigue, most patients with Parkinson’s disease have extreme fatigue and have yet to determine the cause of this effect. Another common associated effect is pain, again most patients with Parkinson’s disease are plagued with pain that can be systemic or localized. The final common associated effect is sexual dysfunction, this effect does not occur in most patients however in the patients that it does occur in their sexual

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