Part One: “Erin, eat your damn cheetos!” My former classmates have a vivid memory of me screaming those exact words to my best friend across the beach. No one needed to turn their heads to see why I was yelling at her, they all knew the reason. However, had they turned and looked, they would have noticed my best friend leaning against the back of a jeep with a bag of cheetos in her hands as she, in slow motion, slid to sand like jello sliding out of a dish. At which point I trucked through the sand to pick my best friend up, wipe off the sand that had formed a layer over her butt, and shove a bottle of water down her throat. Now, let’s back up a couple hours. It’s 10:00 am on a warm, sunny Saturday and Columbus High School Students …show more content…
I rolled over to find that my best friend had stumbled and tackled me on her way down. However, when she stood up, she was a changed girl. The alcohol had set in and this girl was gone. I dragged her back to our spot and immediately shifted into “mom mode.” Knowing that she hadn’t eaten all day, I gave her the only food we had, a bag of cheetos. I replaced her alcohol cup with a bottle of water and forced her to eat and drink, hoping it would help absorb some of the alcohol she had consumed. The day was rough; I instructed her to stay leaning against the jeep we had come in and to eat the entire bag of cheetos and drink the entire water bottle. I returned to my other friends, never letting her out of my site. I felt safer keeping her awake, therefore, when she would start to drift off I would lead her into the frigid cold ocean where I would “baptize” her. I held her hair as she through up and continuously instructed her to “eat her damn cheetos.” This experience revealed a side of myself that has never before been seen. I was her protector. I had to think clearly and quickly. I have never been known as the “motherly type.” Typically, when things like that happen, I am the last one to stand up. However, seeing my dear friend in such a state seemed to flip a switch. I was no longer interested in fulfilling my hopes for the day, but instead I was concerned of my friends well being. I learned that when it comes to my loved ones no amount of vomit can scare
Mary wasn't squeamish about Lynnie's vomit, or smell, or blood. She had the strength to be able to stand what was happening and to take it and to help. It turned out Lynn had a rare blood disease that had surfaced before in their family. When I finally understood how connected Mary and Lynn would always be to each other without taking anything away from our family, my feelings started untangling in a way that felt new. I started being able to relax around Mary. I found out I could trust her. I began to understand that her love for Lynn is like mine. Now we can't imagine not seeing her. We are able to share future dreams and even talk about the sadness of the past. I'm deeply grateful she's a part of our lives.
We were walking for a few hours. My feet throbbed and my ears were ringing from Taylor’s whining. Finally I could see it, the old abandoned house I discovered one day while riding my bike. The door was barely hanging onto its hinges, and there were several windows missing or broken. I pried open the splintering oak door. In the house there was two rooms. One, the one you first enter, was most likely a kitchen and living room. There was a sofa with faded fabric and springs popping out everywhere. An old furnace sat in the corner with rotting charcoal inside. The door of the furnace was missing rendering the whole thing useless. The other room was much smaller. It was a bedroom. There was a twin sized bed. The frame was rusty and missing a leg. I pulled the mattress off of it, so we could sleep on it. There were springs and stuffing sticking out of the mattress. It wasn’t too dirty to sleep on because I pulled off the moldy sheets. We laid down on the mattress. Taylor started snoring within minutes. I was worried about Mom. She had had a seizure before. It was because of her failing liver. Last time, social services took me and my sisters to a girl’s home. They served cooked vegetables that smelled like rotten seafood and chicken noodle soup with frozen chicken. After Mom got out of the hospital she got custody of us, but the judge told her if it happened again she wouldn’t get us back. My older sister, Becca, was eighteen so she didn’t have to
Today in cafeteria we had cheez-its and when we were eating someone through a cheezit at the teacher. When that teacher turned around it was no other than Mr.L he was the most meanest teacher in the entire school.
The smell of pumpkin pancakes and maple syrup wafted throughout the house. Excited, I ran downstairs and sat down at the kitchen counter behind a plate that carried a tower of hot pancakes. However, before I could grab one of the pancakes off the stack, my parents interrupted me and told me to get my sister. I went back upstairs reluctantly and a minute later I had my sister climbing down the stairs, still groggy and dizzy from sleep. When we came back, they told us in a very serious voice to eat, and that when we finished, they had something they wanted to talk about.
The event that I decided to closely observe was the Back to School Night at Van Ness Elementary School. Back to School Night was on Thursday September 8, 2016 from 5:30-7:00 pm. This event was open to all parents and community members who wanted to learn more information about Van Ness. All teachers hosted parents and visitors in their classrooms, and special teachers and staff personnel rotated around to different classrooms and passed out essential information regarding uniforms, the master schedule and was available to answer any questions. In general, the entire staff contributed to the function of the event, and made sure the parents and visitors felt welcomed and received all the needed information.
It was a hot and sunny day. It was an early morning at school, about seven thirty-five. There are four main students, McKenzie, Jordan, Tyla, and Joseph . These four students go to Winchester Community High School (WCHS). They have four out of seven classes together, plus lunch. First period, third period,lunch, fourth period, and seventh period.
Our brand new heater had just stopped working in the dead middle of a blizzard. Icicles clung to the gutters like sloths to branches. The sweet smell of baked blueberry muffins filled the air. Not just any muffins though, the muffins my mom bought at the store. I will never forget what happened on that day. I won't forget the taste of those muffins either. The muffins made the little friends on my tongue smile. The muffins I eat now are those trash Trader Joe muffins. They taste like bricks! I think bricks taste terrible, and I sure think the muffins taste terrible. Two things are true: the Trader Joe muffins are terrible and so was second grade.
“Mom, have you eaten?” I would ask every morning and evening. The answer was always no. My heart hurt to watch her implosion but there was nothing I could do to help her beyond manage daily minutiae. My brother was always fed, the floors were clean, the laundry didn’t mold.
I observed a young girl name Julianna at her home. As I arrived at her house and knocked on the door she greeted and opened the door for me. She was happy to see someone different other than her mother’s. Julie was full of energy even though she just got back from school. Well right away she took me to see her pet bunny named “beast”. When I was done seeing her pet bunny, I came to the dining table. I interviewed Julie’s mother to get some insight of how she was when she was a baby till now. The first question I asked to Julie’s mother was, “How was her pregnancy?” She responded, “Like any other normal pregnancy, I had morning sickness, craving for oranges.” Julie’s mother told me during her four month of pregnancy she got sick but luckily
I threw my hair up into a pony tail. I was about to start my make up when I heard puking noises coming from the bathroom. I ran in there to see who it was and of course it was Jenna. I walked over to her and held her hair back while she threw up. When she stopped she sat down and stared shaking. "Do you want me to go get momma?" I asked. She just nodded her head. I ran downstairs to the kitchen and told my mom," Jenna just got sick." "Oh no," she said and she ran upstairs to our bathroom. I quickly followed behind her. When we got up there Jenna was laying in the floor crying. "Baby girl what's wrong?" My mom asked. "I don't know. I just got nauseous and the next thing I know I'm throwing up," she explained. "Well you should get back in bed," my mom said helping her up. She brought her to her room and got her in bed. "Addie bug why don't you come help me finish breakfast," she said. "Okay," I said following her out. We finished making breakfast and I asked," can I see if Jenna wants anything?" "Sure sweetie. I'll fix her a plate," my mom responded. I brought a plate up to her and as soon as she smelt the food she rushed out of the room to throw up again. I followed her and held back her hair. Once she finished she looked at me and said," can I tell you a secret?" "Anything," I replied. "You can't tell anyone, not even mom or dad," she said. "Okay," I responded. "I
What seemed like an eternity, we made it through the train of people and we walk through the yard to sit. Remaining on my best behavior, I smile and banter with waves of people from the party. Lefty’s brother, Tommy, approaches us and hollers, “hey guys!” “Hey, little brother,” Lefty responds. Tommy takes a seat next to us and says, “you guys eat?” I smile as I nod my head and Lefty said he did as well. “Did you try the lamb?” Tommy asks. I felt sick to my stomach, just thinking about eating that, but I must be polite and not ruffle any feather. I look at Tommy and respond, “oh no, not today. I am very full already, you are great at what you do.” A prideful smile came across Tommy’s face as soon as I spoke those words. Lefty gripped my hand, showing an act of appreciation as we sat and carry on in conversation. After a few moments Tommy gets up to go tend to the rest of his guest at the cookout. Lefty leans in, gently kissing me as he whispers in my ear, “ready for the first part of your punishment?” Anticipation comes over me as the wetness grows, “yes, daddy,” I softly speak. Lefty takes me by the hand and leads me around the house. We make our way to the guest bathroom of the house as Lefty rushes me inside. We enter the small bathroom and Lefty locks the door behind himself. He struts his way towards me, capturing my mouth with his. He
“Please, can we just stop to eat? We haven’t eaten all day, we can’t take this anymore. Please, just something cheap, we left to go live down here with aunt, and gave up everything, can you just do something for us?” I begged. My mother simply stared at me, but not angrily as I expected. She looked sorry, as if she knew our pain all along and just couldn’t help us. Without saying a word, she made a U turn, and headed back into the center of town. We rolled down main street slowly, scanning the area for some sort of diner, where we could get our breakfast that we never had this morning. My younger sister spotted the place. It was so small, it looked as though it couldn’t have fit more than three tables. The red worn down paint matched the rundown feeling of the whole town. There is a very high population here, but I can’t tell why. It is so small, and so crummy. Anyway, my mother parked the car on the side of the carless road surrounded by the peopleless sidewalks. We walked in through the door
My mom by some miracle had let me out despite the oncoming blizzard. I stepped out of the cab and ran from the cold into the kitchen through the back porch. I was met with a ginormous hug and excitement that matched my own “Happy early birthday dude!” She yelled. I chuckled and turned towards the basement. No object or person there didn't have a story,begging to be told.The lights twinkled and the colors popped, it was a place of magic that no words could do justice.. I breathed in the comforting smell of burning incense, and eyed the liquor on the desk.As she locked the door behind us I felt a bit uneasy but I shrugged off the feeling and sat down next to her as she poured a shot. She popped in my favorite movie and I smiled she just knew me so well. 30 minutes in sadness hit me like a freight train at full speed. It was an uncontrollable, overwhelming feeling and I suddenly felt very….desperate. I reached over and downed the shot she noticed chuckled and kept on pouring me more, she wouldn't stop pouring me more, like an animal she could sense my fear, my desperation and my self doubt. My inner demons surfaced and whispered in my ear with each shot she shoved down my throat. You're worthless.shot No loves you .shot.You will die alone.shot.youre a failure.shot. As the cold liquid , left a burning sensation as it ran down my throat, I tried to stop but it was already too late. I was numb.
When the fries were done, they looked good! The nuggets looked like they came out of Wendy’s, and honestly smelled even better. I got my plate ready and started to put five nuggets on my plate. My sister was right: the nuggets were not hot, but warm, and the fries were freshly hot. I put a ton of fries on my plate, sat down, and began to eat the fries. “Thank you, Lee!” I said. Lee turn and said, “You’re welcome Hector. I want you to have the best of the best.” I held my breath and didn’t say anything after she replied. Honestly, it tasted somewhat different from normal restaurant fries, but because she was so happy, I didn’t want to hurt her feelings so I continued eating. She sat down next to me and we both eat together.
There lived a woman named Mary. Mary was a widow, who had a son. Her son was named Mike. He was a college student. On a beautiful Saturday morning, Mary got up from bed with excitement. Last night her son came home from college to spend the weekend with her. She got up and made waffles, his favorite food. The house smelled of crispy, buttery waffles with fresh cut up fruits. She loved the smell of waffles, that’s one thing major thing she had in common with her son. She had an eery feeling, it felt like something was going to happen. She didn’t want to be paranoid so she decided to wake up her on. “MIKEE” she yelled. No answer, He must be exhausted she thought. She thought of a great idea: breakfast in bed. She put the waffles on a tray and a glass cup of hot chocolate with 4 marshmallows, just the way he liked it. She climbed the long staircase, which seemed to never end. She reached his room. She knocked the door three times, no answer. She went into his room, and her heart sank. “Cling” went the tray as it hit the floor. The cup spilled and shattered into a million different pieces.