
Part Time Job Fair

Decent Essays

The Career Resource Center at the University of Florida held its annual part-time job fair for students on Wednesday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Reitz Union breezeway. This event captures the attention of undergraduate students who are seeking to find jobs while balancing school. According to Gator Times, this event did not require professional attire. It was accessible for students to attend the fair in between classes. Jasmin Robinson, the assistant director for career events, was extremely busy during the career fair as she had to direct students to different locations, answer frequently asked questions and make sure that employers felt comfortable throughout the day. The part-time job fair is usually held in the summer or in the …show more content…

“On-campus jobs understand that you’re a student first and they’ll work around your school schedule,” Powell said. “As opposed to off-campus employers, you might have to stress it a little bit more that school indeed comes first.” According to the CRC website, the CRC provides many services for students: resume critiques, mock interviews, career planning, major exploration and career fairs. “It’s really hard to get an on campus job, although the Career Resource Center tries its very best to accommodate all 50,000 plus students,” Powell said. Nicole Vuong, a fourth-year microbiological and cell sciences student, tabled for Bento Cafe, which is her off-campus job. “It’s pretty easy to get an off-campus job in Gainesville because they know that most people are students, Vuong said.” “They’re pretty flexible with hours.” The part-time job fair prepares students for the annual Career Showcase held at the O’Connell Center during the fall and spring semester. Career showcase is more professional and provides opportunities for internships and jobs for upcoming

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