
Passion Of Books

Satisfactory Essays

When I was first introduced to reading in the kindergarten, my mother would always say I had a book stuck with me no matter where I went. Fast forward it to twelve years later I still have a book stuck on me. However, now it’s no longer picture books, but science ones. My passion is to learn, specifically about everything. In my spare time, I read books of empowerment, success, persuasion, psychology and the brain. Every time I read a new book I think I found the holy book of all books. Unfortunately, that's not the case, I did read a month ago, a book that changed my way of thinking, a book with an insight I never heard of. It’s called Grit by Angela Duckworth. Duckworth states what is the factor that is critical to success- talent or effort? While some people, Americans, are more prone to lean towards effort; our neighbors, the Chinese, lean towards talent. And then it expands on the bias of “naturally gifted” and “striver” which has to do with mindset and culture. She states how the power of passion and perseverance is the ultimate reason why some people when faced …show more content…

I go to a school that would be considered a non-traditional school, High Tech High. We're hands on, is been integrated to our minds you learn by doing. So in order for students to learn is to teach others, it’s been proven. A podcast is a fun way of doing. I would assign a couple chapters in the book and have students read and pick stand out moments. Then I would split them into three groups. The first is in charge of researching and finding similar and different theories on the concept of Grit. The second is in charge of contacting psychologist for their opinion on the book or concepts. The final group is in charge of hosting the podcast, the speakers. They would gather all the information and break it down into small pieces to talk about. The students would do it voluntarily, as a student-run

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