
Why The Little Engine That Could Essay

Decent Essays

Everyone has those objects that mean a lot to them such as a special toy, jewelry, and even a cherished memory. For me that special object would be a book, The little engine that could. This book was very special to me because it was one of the first books that I loved reading repeatedly. It gave me a feeling of motivation that anything we strive for is possible and helped start my love for reading.
When I was a child I had a passion for reading that I gained from the support of teachers and my mom. My mom had a love for reading and that soon and that helped encouraged me to continue to read as well and fueled my passion to read. One day I received a book called “The Little Engine That Could” because of my obsession I had with trains. To today’s …show more content…

I would always feel discouraged while reading because the words might have come out wrong and I would worry any time I was called to read something aloud in class. It was a joke that I couldn’t say words certain right among my friends, I know it was all in good fun but this only reinforced that I really wanted to get better with how I broke down the words to say it properly. To me the book means a lot to me because I got it as a gift but it ended up inspiring me to better myself as well.
I have always loved reading due to the exciting stories and the interesting characters that provide a good backbone. All my early books I remember as feel good tales to make the young reader fall in love with the characters while usually having a central theme to teach. Some of the charm of these books was how it got the reader engaged and taught along the way. Just like children shows such as Sesame Street the books where entertaining and also educational so it gave children a early start for school; I would be excited whenever the teacher would teach something and you would already know the new word or

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