
Patriotism In America

Decent Essays

Patriotism. How could you even begin to define it? Is it the fireworks on the Fourth of July? Is it the glory of watching our national team win a medal in the Olympics? Is it an immigrant finally being able to call America their home? Patriotism is defined as the attachment or sense of pride that one feels about what they would decide as their homeland. According to many Americans, it’s a feeling we all share as citizens. Everyone has their own definition of what that pride or attachment consists of. We live within a democratic government; created for the people, by the people. Most would expect our type of government and patriotism to come hand-in-hand. Our people must feel a deep pride for their country when they are the ones who elect who should represent them to the world, right? We choose who we think would be best at running our country for 4 years until we have the chance to keep the same person or elect someone else. The people of America are the reason those politicians have power; the people of America can be the ones who take it from them. We attempt to choose the best because of our pride in our country and the hope to make or keep it great. There are many instances, however, that would conflict with this thought of being so loyal to our own government officials. …show more content…

There have been many instances, especially recently, where citizens have argued against what the government has proposed and fought over what the our founding fathers would have truly wanted for America. The same people who voted for our government officials are now disagreeing with them. They prefer the ideals that our country was founded on; ‘Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness’ as is stated in our constitution. These citizens sometimes feel as if their rights are being attacked because of certain popular beliefs and quickly remind others of how our country is to be

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