
Patsy Paty Jarrett Case Study

Decent Essays

4. Who is Patsy Kelly Jarrett?
Patsy Kelly Jarrett was a young woman back in 1973 who lived in North Carolina. She had a car and a job and many friends, she was just an average teenager who took a road trip with one of her guy friends to New York one break. During this trip they stay in New York where she relaxed, and her friend took a job and used her car to make money. Eventually the break was over, and they came back home to North Carolina and then about three weeks later she hears a knock on her door and it was the police. She was told there was a warrant out for her arrest for murder out of New York.
1. What was the case against her?
The case against Patsy Kelly Jarrett, was for murder and robbery that took place at a gas station in New York. The events that took place involved a young boy who was just seventeen named Paul David Hatch, who was the victim. Patsy was arrested because her car was at the crime scene and the man she was with committed the crimes, and an eye witness claimed to have seen two suspects in the car. This statement is the reason why Patsy was arrested.
2. What happened to her?
Patsy Jarrett did not take any plea bargains that where given to her, because she knew she was innocent and she believed in the legal system. Since she did not take the plead she was found guilty and was sentenced to 25 years to life in prison. She is now one of the longest serving inmates at her current facility.
3. Was justice served in her case? Explain your answer

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