
Paulo Coelho Creative Process Reflection

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English Reflection Just like Paulo Coelho blog said “all creative processes… respect the same rule: the cycle of nature.” But not just literature follows that rule, as people, we do too. We learn to look at life in a different way, and then we learn to accept, after the accepting phrase we began to grow, once we’re done growing we become something beautiful and amazing. I’ll be sharing my story using Coelho “creative process” blog. a) Plowing the field: I was born and raised in phoenix Arizona. I come from a family who has faith in god and believes god has a plan for us. I was raised to believe in god and his “miracles”. After seeing my brother’s wife lost 2 out of 3 of her kids, in a car accident, the driver was drunk, but she wasn’t. Somehow she took all the pain. I began to question god and his miracles. I mean my brother’s wife changed my brother in a way we couldn’t. He started going to church more, actually found a real job and was becoming a better person. How could god take 2 innocent lives? Her kids weren’t even 5 yet. At that time i realized the man upstairs was a myth. Not only that, I couldn’t believe that people spend their whole lives looking for signs from a mystical being that no one has even seen. We were acting as conformist, following others. Following other and their beliefs. We have been doing this for years. I wasn’t going to part of their religious beliefs because others believed in it. I didn’t care about being different. Being different is what

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