
Pavlovian Conditioning Paradigm

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2. One type of behavioral paradigms used for rats that can be related to humans is the Pavlovian conditioning. Pavlovian conditioning paradigm is when the experimenter pairs a conditional stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus to produce a response. The response is typically unconditional until there are enough pairings to have the conditioned stimulus to cause a conditioned response. The unconditioned response and condition response are usually similar. The way these could be generalized is with drug use in a specific environment. The environment with the drug use is the unconditioned and conditioned stimulus. The physiological response would be the unconditioned response. The environment would cause the person to want the drug again in …show more content…

This behavioral paradigm involves reinforcement or punishment to increase or decrease the voluntary response of the rat. The self-stimulation paradigm is an example of this in which rats would pull a lever to get an electrical stimulation to the reward center. This can be generalized to humans because we behave in the same manner. If we have reinforcement to do something good, we will continue to do it to seek the reward. If we are punished, we sometimes stop the activity. The severity of the punishment depends on the extinction the activity. The technique could be watching toddlers getting gold star when they do something …show more content…

Additionally, these could be used to look at the positive incentive theory of drug addiction. The person is seeking that reinforcement of euphoria from the drug. The fMRI could be used to monitor the brains activity before, during, and after use to determine what areas of the brain are active. Lesson 6 1. Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease both involve the degeneration of the neural tissue and function of the brain. Both of these are types of neurodegenerative diseases which are neuropsychological diseases. A lot of the neuropathology of Parkinson’s is known. For example, particular neural cells in the substantia nigra pars compacta start to progressively degenerate or breakdown. The substantia nigra pars compacta is found in the midbrain. The neurons use the neurotransmitter dopamine. The neural pathway go to the caudate nucleus and putamen of the basal ganglia which is also known as the striatum. The receptors can have an excitatory or inhibitory effect depending on dopamine release by the substantia nigra. Typically, the dopamine has excitatory effects in the motor cortex which results in movement of the body. In people with Parkinson’s disease, the dopamine releasing neurons in the substantia nigra are degenerated. The

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