
Pay Day Research Paper

Decent Essays

Payday is Coming After while Back in biblical times in the old testament scriptures; war between the Northern Kingdom and the Southern Kingdom were fought over and over. Today, the nations are feuding still over this and over that with many lives yet being destroyed. We battle in our minds; wondering if things will ever change for the better and only those who have hope in Christ can surely rest assure because, payday is coming for all who believe on our Lord and Savior; Jesus Christ. Many things that we face in this life are just a testing of our faith and we must be willing and able to go through the challenges just like we would an obstacle course to reach the other side of it. There …show more content…

God has great things in store at the end of the road for us. But, how are we going to receive it if we never make up our mind to follow God and take the steps necessary that will lead us down the path to him? Payday is coming after while and only those that have been walking by faith in God and who have stayed in the race for God; will receive that pay. Jesus went to prepare a place for us and we can only imagine how it's going to look surrounded by the things that God has in store for those who truly love him because, no one knows nor has anyone seen this place yet. But, we can rest assure that it will be amazing. There is more up ahead that God has for us if we hang on to him until he returns again for us and we should not miss out in receiving it because we gave up or turned from him too …show more content…

We must continue to look to God; the only one who can truly help us and the only one who truly cares about us in our time of need. Therefore, we must push forward day by day in the strength that God will constantly give us and focus on the incorruptible reward that God has for us. Besides, we shouldn't dwell on negative things that are happening around us that could cause us to lose sight of our plight towards making it into heaven. Meanwhile, we must look to Jesus, “the author and finisher of our faith” for he is the hope to our soul towards us having a better life once this world is over. Just as some people work overtime on their job to receive extra pay; while others simply work for just regular time and for regular pay. We all however, must put in time and effort to God in order to receive our eternal reward from God. Meanwhile, we must take the initial stand to do all that we can to make it into that brand new land; that Jesus went away to prepare for

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