
Pay It Forward Reflection

Decent Essays

Humans are more connected than they have ever been. Under these circumstances, people can impact those around them more easily and more profoundly than they might imagine. This impact is prominently displayed in children, who typically adopt the mannerisms of their parents, for better or for worse. However, humans impact those they do not closely interact with as well, and it is because of this that one must carefully consider each decision. When society discusses the impact that people have on one another, they generally speak about the conscious decisions that people make to change another’s life. These, like all things, can be good or bad. In the movie Pay it Forward, Trevor made a choice to positively impact the lives of three people. He chose to let a homeless man stay in his house, help two people find love, and stop the abuse of a friend. In all of these actions, Trevor succeeded in making the lives of others better, even when it was to his detriment. This movie has inspired many people to make a difference in the lives of others. Similarly, there has been a story circulating the Internet recently that features a kindergartener who realized that her classmates did not have money to buy milk. She decided that she would use her own allowance to help these kids. She inspired so many that she was able to raise over $9,000 for her cause on GoFundMe. Perhaps her classmates will remember this good deed and will feel motivated to do the same when they are older. As

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