
Peaceful Resistance In America

Decent Essays

Peaceful resistance is the act of disobeying authority in a non-violent way. Being a free society, we have a right to voice our opinions. But do we voice these opinions when doing so breaks laws? The answer is yes. Peaceful resistance to laws positively impacts a free society. First we must decide what a free society truly is. As Americans, we are at an advantage. Our society is not as strict as other nations. Nowadays we are not as pressured to conform to gender roles or follow any certain religion, most women in America don’t feel pressured to cover their hair, and we are free to express our sexuality. And the patriarchy? The mere mention of it offends some people, as it is seen as an old way of thinking. These are some current views of Americans but we don’t have to stay in the 21st century to explore what freedom means. One can look to the constitution to get a definition of freedom. It clearly declares that we the people have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Our founding fathers pictured a free society, the question is if we have achieved this. What happens when a law interferes with our happiness? Our American values and liberty? Do we sit idly by or do we raise attention to the injustice that …show more content…

It is an offense to abet in the smuggling of illegal immigrants. By smuggling an immigrant from Iran (one of the countries affected) into America I am peacefully resisting a law I see as unfair. Although I am breaking the law there are other factors that must be taken into account. What if the immigrant is a contributing member to society? What if they want to escape violence? What if they have a family in America? There are many what ifs but one thing is certain: unless we stand up to what we think is unfair we will never be able to reap the benefits of what other countries and peaceful resistance brings to

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