
Pedro Arrupe Personal Statement

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Many prominent figures, past and present, have influenced the way I interact with others and view the world. However, the people who have impacted me the most were my fellow peers and educators I have encountered over the years. They have taught me how to understand where others are coming from and how to provide adequate support. I think this is what Fr. Pedro Arrupe meant when saying that the prime educational objective of the Jesuits “must be to form men and women for others.” By educating men and women for others, we can build a more socially aware and accepting environment. When someone is educated in any way, they are being shaped for the future, whether it be a beneficial or detrimental shaping. The best way to face this inevitability is to structure an intersectional education; one that focusses on typical subjects like math and english, but concurrently concentrates on societal dilemmas.
It is important to educate future world leaders on the struggles that others face. The first step to making change is creating awareness that there is an issue we must face. …show more content…

On the team, I met a sophomore named Casey Gaughan. At first, I thought of her a super sweet and silly girl who was a bit awkward. But it didn’t take long for me to realize that Casey was special. She is one of the most inspirational person I have ever met. She pushed herself to the limit academically and extracurricularly. Yes, she was head of the Environmental Action Committee, the Human Rights Coalition, and the Christian Fellowship Club, but she did so much more for the community than just that. Casey was completely selfless. Despite her busy schedule, she was always willing to set aside time for anyone that needed her guidance. She always spoke kindly of others. In fact, I’ve never heard her speak negatively about anyone. Throughout the entire day, she wore a smile and greeted others with a brightly toned

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