
Peds Should Be Banned Essay

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You are at a baseball game with your favorite team playing against another team. You’ve bought your hot dog, pop, and other refreshments and sit in the bleachers. You have been waiting for this day for a while now, in hopes to get an autograph from your favorite player, but you’ve found out that they have been discounted from the game for using Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs) but… why? They can’t be that bad can they? For this topic, most people would say yes and that we should ban all PEDs because they are cheating. But are they really? They are made to enhance your performance of doing a sport right? With this, i claim that we should in fact head the opposite direction and legalize PEDs. Of course, legalize them for professional sports. We wouldn't want the younger still developing people to mess with their growing process. High Schoolers and Middle Schoolers should not have the “opportunity” to use PEDs. But in professional sports, the players are adults and adults can make their own choices. Therefore they have the CHOICE to use PEDs if they wanted to. …show more content…

They just have smaller effects that are not permenit. Such as cannabinoids “can cause restlessness and panic attacks in high doses” (Performance-Enhancing Drugs: A Cheat Sheet, Mossie) the author said “in high doses” so therefore if used right they would help the user. Also, they said “can cause...” so that could mean the effects might not even happen. Although this is just one example of many. Another example could be the diuretics, “diuretics can trigger electrolyte imbalances and lead to dehydration…” (Performance-Enhancing Drugs: A Cheat Sheet, Mossie) i don’t think electrolyte imbalances are that bad, although they can be. Dehydration also isn’t that bad all you need to do is drink lots of water. Problem solved! Even so, overdosing these PEDs is a different

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