You are at a baseball game with your favorite team playing against another team. You’ve bought your hot dog, pop, and other refreshments and sit in the bleachers. You have been waiting for this day for a while now, in hopes to get an autograph from your favorite player, but you’ve found out that they have been discounted from the game for using Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs) but… why? They can’t be that bad can they? For this topic, most people would say yes and that we should ban all PEDs because they are cheating. But are they really? They are made to enhance your performance of doing a sport right? With this, i claim that we should in fact head the opposite direction and legalize PEDs. Of course, legalize them for professional sports. We wouldn't want the younger still developing people to mess with their growing process. High Schoolers and Middle Schoolers should not have the “opportunity” to use PEDs. But in professional sports, the players are adults and adults can make their own choices. Therefore they have the CHOICE to use PEDs if they wanted to. …show more content…
They just have smaller effects that are not permenit. Such as cannabinoids “can cause restlessness and panic attacks in high doses” (Performance-Enhancing Drugs: A Cheat Sheet, Mossie) the author said “in high doses” so therefore if used right they would help the user. Also, they said “can cause...” so that could mean the effects might not even happen. Although this is just one example of many. Another example could be the diuretics, “diuretics can trigger electrolyte imbalances and lead to dehydration…” (Performance-Enhancing Drugs: A Cheat Sheet, Mossie) i don’t think electrolyte imbalances are that bad, although they can be. Dehydration also isn’t that bad all you need to do is drink lots of water. Problem solved! Even so, overdosing these PEDs is a different
“Commentators claim that performance-enhancing drugs are not right or wrong, simply another strategy to improve performance” (Introduction to Performance-Enhancing Drugs). There are two main problems wrong with the use of drugs being legal. Health of athletes would drop devastatingly, and the true competition would become who gets lucky. “Some mourn the loss of yesterday's baseball heroes, while others argue that sport figures who use performance-enhancing drugs expose flaws in American culture” (Introduction to Performance-Enhancing
One of the most common arguments is the one of unfair play. While some say that it allows other players to get an advantage over the other by having a more ready access to safer and more effective PEDs and others say that it is an unfair advantage because some players will chose to not use them because of philosophical reasons or just dislike of the drugs. And then there are those who argue that allowing the drugs will make no difference to the current playing field because along with access to better PEDs the other teams also have access to better training giving them another unfair advantage, and no one will just ban the use of physical training to level the playing field. ( “Top 10 Pro & Con Arguments - Drug Use in Sports -” Should Performance Enhancing Drugs (Such as Steroids) Be Accepted in Sports?, However some don’t mention how unfair it is but rather the coercion the players would have to take these PEDs, however the main arguments against this is that these players would be influenced in the same way as when coaches ask for them to practice while not with the team, or to ask the team to run another full practice that day. So how could we blame the medium of improvement for what the user dose, it’s not the fault of the PED so much as the pressure placed on the players by their surroundings.( “Top 10 Pro & Con Arguments - Drug Use in Sports -” Should Performance Enhancing Drugs (Such as Steroids) Be Accepted in Sports?, it is very prevalent in multiple teams around the world, yet it is quite the same story in each place. The proof of this can be seen in how several former East German swimming team coaches come
The use of PEDs is illegal in sports, I believe that it should stay that way. Many athletes have had their lives ruined from PEDs loosing the ones they love or dying themselves, and there are many horrible side effects that include, mental problems, and even death. Also, when someone is taking PEDs and another isn’t in say football then the person who isn’t could get very hurt, in short PEDs should just be dropped out of professional sports. If PEDs stay in professional sports (illegally) then many more people will die. Weather it is from another person or yourself. Having PEDs in professional sports give the athlete side effects that are hard to live with, doesn’t even guarantee that the drugs will work-the risks are high and the chances of it being good are low- they set a bad example for kids and teens around the world who look up to the pro athletes who take PEDs, lastly it will hurt the other athlete or yourself.
Do you feel that PED’s should be allowed in sport? The problem is that players use PED’s or Performance Enhancing Drugs to get an advantage over their opponents. Despite the advances in technology for discovering PED’s, there is still a great number of people who get away with PED’s. Many people continue to use PED’s and will continue to use them until they get caught, and even after they get caught. Performance enhancing drugs should not be allowed in sports, resulting in more fair competition.
PEDS were not part of the National Football League or the Major League Baseball in the past and it should be kept that way. What makes these leagues so intriguing to watch these athletes perform is knowing that this is their natural ability. An athletes should not put their body in greater risk of harm just for viewership for the league. Work ethic and human ability should be what gets these athletes into the league, not a drug. Commissioners and viewers know that it is morally wrong to destroy one's’ body just to have a more exciting game. Passing a rule to allow PEDS will ruin the credibility of these athletes abilities and shameful to the commissioner to allow cheating. These athletes should be setting an example to the youth. Younger children
Have you ever wondered why NFL players aren’t always caught with performance enhancing drugs (peds)? NFL players and NBL players are only tested once every couple months for peds, and that gives the players time to get the peds out of their body. Players have made it through the tests while still using peds but caught the next time. The tests are not very strict. The tests need to be stricter because some professional athletes have made it through the test while using them and other have not; although they were using doctor prescribed peds. The three reasons that ped tests need to be stricter are that it can cause health risks, long term effects and for other players to get suspended even though they were doing the
In the brutal, competitive world of sports and athletics where athletes are expected to be perfect and perform at the highest level, there is a copious amount of athletes looking for a way to get the edge over one another. Steroids is often the drug used to give them that edge, but should these drugs be allowed? A person would think it would be an ignominy to cheat but it is becoming quite normal. There was a boy named Taylor Hooton from a small town just north of Dallas. Taylor was in a family full of talented athletes; however, a month after his 17th birthday Taylor killed himself because of steroids. His father was a pitcher in the MLB, and his brother a pitcher in college. Taylor had a lot of pressure on him to be successful, and it forced him to make a risky move that did not pay off. Yes, steroids can help athletes get stronger and better at what they do; however, it does a lot more harm to you than you think. 30% of collegiate and professional athletes take steroids, as do 10%-20% of high school athletes. (Meunier) Taking performance enhancing drugs at any level of athletics should not be allowed because it gives players an
According to sociologists PED’s specifically improve your aggression/competitiveness towards the race or game. It also intensifies muscle growth and endurance. Most of the drugs that athletes use are stimulants which are; amphetamines and ephedrine. Other common narcotics are anabolic steroids, phototropism, and erythromycin. Athletes who do utilize these substances have a lot higher chance of winning compared to the sportsmen who don’t use them. Athletes who choose not to damage their body with drugs will have a higher chance of losing which I personally like to call cheating. An example of someone using these narcotics is Lance Armstrong. Armstrong was an extraordinary cyclist who won over 7 tour de France titles but a few blood tests later he came back positive for using PED’s. Armstrong was then stripped from his 7 impressive titles. Some people might argue that athletes don’t win success on their own, they always have a little help whether it's;
PEDs can and will give you: (Acne, liver damage, etc.) The reasons people use PEDs (Performance Enhancing Drugs) is because the athletes will have a higher chance of winning because some drugs give you better reflexes some make you muscular, and some can make you smart, but… some have deadly side effects; like blood clots and much more. I think that all PED production should be only prescriptions in hospitals. The drugs can hurt you like ruin your liver. They can kill you by causing a heart attack or blood clot. They can ruin your chances of reaching the hall of fame. I know that you may think it is worth it for the money and people but when they find out BAM you’re out of the hall of fame and you have to wait until you stop using the drugs, You also might also have 1 chance or no chances because of using the PEDs. Drugs are only acceptable when you are in a hospital, or if you’re prescribed a drug so you can heal bone or muscle or a medical condition. Eg: if a muscle is torn open they use steroids.
What are Peds? Peds are drugs that enhance an athlete's performance. Doesn't sound too terrible right. Wrong! Even though they enhance your performance there may be serious consequences and long lasting effects that might become a problem. It’s happening on all levels of sports right under our noses. Peds can threaten your health and even your life, young athletes can end up taking them because they saw their “role” model athlete takes them, and athletes gain an unfair advantage over others making it unfair and devalue what a true athlete is. This is an important issue because one day it might come to saving an athlete's life and stop others from making a terrible mistake.
The use of Performance Enhancing Drugs(PED) has a major impact on athletes negatively and cause many problems in sports and competitions. These PEDs should be banned for athletes and competitors on any level because they are, unhealthy and harmful to the body, give users an edge over competitors, and it diminishes the true sportsmanship of the game itself.
Athletes will do whatever it cost to win. Taking PEDs allows users to reach a new level to compete at. A great sport where people see this growth but don’t even notice is in American Football. Robinson(2017) says, “The Associated Press reported that in 1970 there was only one 300-pound lineman player in the NFL. By 1990 there was over 94 players over 300-pounds, and in 2015 preseason only 4 players weighed under 300-pounds.” These numbers don’t lie; yeah training programs are superior to what they were, but with the increase in pounds so quickly can only come from PEDs. Why wouldn’t they take PEDs, the benefits are major and make an athlete compete at a higher level. It’s not just football athletes who can benefit though, Thomas Hicks used them to allow him to win a gold medal in the Olympics. Alex Rodriquez used PEDs to allow him to become one of the most known baseball players known to play. “Rodriquez was spending nearly $12,000 a month for his supplies” (McPherson, 2016). It sounds expensive, but he was going to his teams own pharmaceutical store purchasing them from team doctors. These drugs
There have been many players in MLB have used and been caught using PEDs and have faced serious penalty. The biggest case as of recent years was the Alex Rodriguez scandal. After a positive urine test, he continued to deny the use of PEDs but later, like half a year later finally committed to using them and was suspended without pay for a whole season. He is not the only player to use PEDs in the MLB but he is one of the ones to be caught in recent years. It is obvious that using drugs to enhance performance is banned, but there is the ethical debate of why? The main reason people come up with is that “ it is, basically, cheating – which implies a theft of opportunity from other players of the sport. When one player gains benefits – monetary compensation, fan appreciation, seasonal honors, statistical records, etc – by using performance-enhancing drugs, he does so by shouldering a lesser burden than players who do not use drugs,” (Belousek 2014). That being said, a lot of players who have been in the game a while and their skills are starting to decrease feel like they need to keep up with the younger generation of players entering the world of baseball. However, the older players are not getting any younger with their age, or their body’s ability, so their way of keeping up is to use PEDs so that their recovery time is shortened to what it used to be so they can keep up with a 162 game schedule. Another example of this would be Chris Colabello with the Toronto Blue Jays last season. He was suspended 50 games for the use of PEDs but claims that he does not know how they entered his system, but many people believe it was the case of not being able to keep up with the younger generation, especially Tom Valcke, who has been around baseball for over 35 years. During one of iCASE’s practices he made this statement, “He may love the game but if
Although many people would say that using steroids is to get: bigger, faster, stronger, and also recover faster from a workout without being super sore from the previous workout. So this would be very beneficial for a pro-athlete that is looking to get stronger, or even to recover from a hard workout in the gym. Even though this might be very exciting to tell a person that would like all of these benefits, standard people shouldn’t be able to use performance enhancing drugs. On the contrary, if the person is getting paid millions of dollars then they should be able to use performance enhancing drugs. Therefore performance enhancing drugs should be illegal for anyone that isn’t a professional athlete. Although a lot of people would be saying “that using steroids is
There are good reasons to allow performance enhancement, to make sport fairer and to narrow the gap between the cheaters and the honest athletes. It would provide a better spectacle, be safer and less coercive” (Foddy) Therefore, with the legalization of PED’s not only would the playing field suddenly be even for all players, it would be at a higher level. Furthermore, athletes on the way up whose entourages don’t yet include savvy physiotherapists and doctors would be less likely to overdose and do themselves harm.