Pelvic Exam
A pelvic exam is an exam of a woman's outer and inner genitals and reproductive organs. Pelvic exams are done to screen for health problems and to help prevent health problems from developing. You should start having pelvic exams when you turn 21 years old, unless your health care provider recommends having a pelvic exam earlier. Talk with your health care provider about how often you should have a pelvic exam.
During your pelvic exam, your health care provider may ask you questions about your health, your family's health, your menstrual periods, immunizations, and your sexual activity. The information shared between you and your health care provider will not be shared with anyone else.
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Your health care provider may feel your breasts to check for abnormalities.
• An exam of your abdomen. Your health care provider may press on your abdomen to check for abnormalities.
Pelvic exams may vary among health care providers and hospitals. The following things are usually done during a pelvic exam:
• You will remove your clothes from the waist down. You will put on a gown or a wrap to cover yourself while you get ready for the exam.
• You will lie on your back on a special table. Your feet will be placed into foot rests (stirrups) so that your legs are wide apart and your knees are bent. A drape will be placed over your abdomen and your legs.
• Your health care provider will examine your outer genitals to check for anything unusual. This includes your clitoris, urethra, vaginal opening, labia, and the skin between your vagina and your anus (perineum).
• Your health care provider will examine your inner genitals. To do this, a lubricated instrument (speculum) will be inserted into your vagina. The speculum will be widened to open the walls of your vagina.
○ Your health care provider will examine your vagina and cervix.
○ A Pap test, cervical biopsy, or cultures may be done, as
Diagnostic medical sonographers play a key role in the health care team and often work alongside doctors, nurses, and other technologists. They prepare patients by explaining the procedure and collect necessary patient history information prior to examination. An ultrasound is then performed, which is a non-invasive process that enables sonographers to send high-frequency sound waves into the body. The return signals are then analyzed to help visualize internal organs in 2D, 3D or 4D. These images help physicians with medical diagnoses and are also used for monitoring pregnancy. An ultrasound is often executed on many different areas of the body including the abdomen, pelvis, tissues, and vascular and cardiac systems. A DMS may also be required
An abnormal heartbeat can be an indicator for other issues, such as a damaged heart valve. The next step is checking percussion, this portion of the examination the provider will tap on the patient's chest and abdomen. The provider is looking and listening for a specific sound under normal conditions. If there is a change in fluids or air there will be a different sound. The last portion of the physical examination is palpation. The provider will apply pressure using his fingers feeling along the body regions and organs. Palpation provides information about the size of an organ and changes in its consistency, shape, and tenderness, and can help determine the presence of a foreign mass. Based on the results of Mr. Smith's physical examination the provider determined that additional labs would need to be drawn. The provider ordered a complete blood count, which includes: a platelet, red blood cell, and white blood cell count, as well as a blood potassium check. Mr. Smith's labs were not within the normal limits, so the provider admitted him into the hospital. Hospital staff treated his deficiencies and sent him
The Diagnostic Sonography more commonly known as Ultrasound is a medical procedure in which you use high frequency sound waves to produce visual images of organs tissues or blood flow inside the body. Ultrasound is regularly known as the procedure used to examine women who are expecting. Although, Sonography is used in many different ways other than for expectant mothers. Sonography is also used to detect such things as heart disease, heart attacks, and vascular disease that can lead to stroke. (SDMS, 2010) Moreover, Sonography is also used to examine breasts, abdomens, female reproductive systems,
Sterilize and prepare the patient's genital area. You have wipe the patient's genital area with disinfectant soaked cotton swabs, to remove any debris. Repeat step if needed. For female patients, be sure to clean the labia and urethral meatus (the outside of the opening of the urethra located above the vagina). For the men clean the urethral opening on the penis. When you finish wiping down the patient, lay down surgical drapes around the genitals, leaving yourself enough work
During your physical exam, your health care provider will for pain, limited motion, and instability.
Adolescence: As you develop, it’s important to have an experienced obgyn by your side. Stellar Women’s Health Specialists sees young women on a daily basis. They can perform routine checkups
The inspection encompasses the shape and symmetry of the abdomen, the contour, distension, and to see if there is visible peristalsis. Using light palpation, the nurse can identify guarding, tenderness, and pain. The nurse can then listen in the four quadrants of the abdomen for bowel motility and for bowel sounds Since the client is severely dehydrated due to vomiting, the integumentary system can also be assessed to identify any cutaneous problems or systemic diseases. The skin should be checked for any discoloration or rashes and
| Examination of the vaginal and cervical surfaces with a special magnifying instrument is called a ________scopy.
To have the procedure done you will be lying on you back with your legs in stirrups. Then the doctor will insert a speculum into your vagina in the same way as for a pelvic exam. A local anesthesia will be used so you don’t feel pain. This will be given through a needle attached to a syringe. You are most likely going to feel a slight sting, then a dull ache or cramp. Then the loop is inserted into your vagina to the cervix. There will be different sizes and shapes of the loops that will be used. There is a small chance that you may feel faint during the procedure. If you do feel faint tell your doctor immediately.
Getting a cervical cancer screening with a Pap Smear can enable a practitioner to detect early signs of cervical cancer by allowing identification of precancerous lesions (USPSTF, 2016a). Early detection can decrease the incidence of cervical cancer and, ultimately, reduce mortality rates related to cervical cancer (USPSTF, 2016a).
It might sound like a no-brainer, but it is important that you wear comfortable clothing during your appointment. Ideally, you should wear a pair of loose fitting pants. Yoga pants or sweatpants work well; however, you could also wear a pair of jeans with an elastic waist band. If you aren't a fan of pants, wear a skirt or a loose fitting dress. Anything that will make you comfortable and make it easy to reach your stomach.
As a result, only women who are not pregnant and/or do not possess symptoms of unusual bleeding should be recommended the endure pelvic exams. Physicians
This could include things such as breast cancer, cervical cancer, and even menopause. They have to run examinations, Pap smears, chart past medical history, diet tips, keeping up with personal hygiene, hormonal imbalances and also sexual health and disease prevention. Obstetricians are in charge of prenatal care by checking the fetal heart rate using ultrasounds and watching the babies health and growth. An obstetrician can also run tests using the baby’s amniotic fluid to check for genetic tests. The mother may have the doctor check her heart rate, blood pressure and even her weight gain during her
• Your surgeon will spread the incision wide enough to examine the inside of your abdomen.
During prenatal visits, the practitioner will start by asking the pregnant woman how she was feeling and whether she has any