
Pentecostal Psych Twins: Orgasm And Tongues

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“In the experience of ‘speaking in tongues’ I had reached the climax....” No truer a statement has been made than Bartleman’s faux pas comment! 5 But maybe no more true than his statement was the quote which said the “winds of perdition” were blowing at the Azusa Street Mission.6 Perdition in the form of Holy Ghost tongues and Holy Spirit illicit sex!
The simultaneous practice of illicit sex and speaking in tongues seems to be odd bedfellows! That is, unless you run in Pentecostal circles. Here it is common. Emphasizing the fact one writer revealed that “ the black Pentecostal churches it was almost a joke.....the preacher was sleeping with multiple church members, sometimes women, sometimes not.” 7

Such illicit sex by these neo Shaman preachers is no surprise though. Why? Because they are the offspring of the Shaman of Azusa who released Pandora’s Box. …show more content…

and leading neuroscientist at the University of Pennsylvania.

Newberg made a study of brain activity when an individual experiences “God moments.” For example, a genuine deep connection, while in prayer to God, shows a decrease of brain activity in the posterior superior parietal lobe, which is part of the brain’s top rear area. Here the connection is made interesting because in Dr. Newberg’s study of Pentecostal’s he saw a stronger relationship between religious experience and decrease of brain’s top rear area. He discovered that in the Pentecostal’s experience of “speaking in tongues” the brain activity of this top rear area decreases 9 – while the front area becomes almost non-existent. “Interestingly, Newberg found the same similarities between the action of the brain in relationship to sexual pleasure and self-transcendence.”

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