“In the experience of ‘speaking in tongues’ I had reached the climax....” No truer a statement has been made than Bartleman’s faux pas comment! 5 But maybe no more true than his statement was the quote which said the “winds of perdition” were blowing at the Azusa Street Mission.6 Perdition in the form of Holy Ghost tongues and Holy Spirit illicit sex!
The simultaneous practice of illicit sex and speaking in tongues seems to be odd bedfellows! That is, unless you run in Pentecostal circles. Here it is common. Emphasizing the fact one writer revealed that “...in the black Pentecostal churches it was almost a joke.....the preacher was sleeping with multiple church members, sometimes women, sometimes not.” 7
Such illicit sex by these neo Shaman preachers is no surprise though. Why? Because they are the offspring of the Shaman of Azusa who released Pandora’s Box.
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and leading neuroscientist at the University of Pennsylvania.
Newberg made a study of brain activity when an individual experiences “God moments.” For example, a genuine deep connection, while in prayer to God, shows a decrease of brain activity in the posterior superior parietal lobe, which is part of the brain’s top rear area. Here the connection is made interesting because in Dr. Newberg’s study of Pentecostal’s he saw a stronger relationship between religious experience and decrease of brain’s top rear area. He discovered that in the Pentecostal’s experience of “speaking in tongues” the brain activity of this top rear area decreases 9 – while the front area becomes almost non-existent. “Interestingly, Newberg found the same similarities between the action of the brain in relationship to sexual pleasure and self-transcendence.”
Entwistle’s concept on psychology and Christianity allows the student to foster a better understanding the importance of integrating the concepts of science (psychology) and religion. In the book the author’s opinion of integrating psychology and Christianity is displayed to possess the client’s understanding that science and religion when integrated will promote a higher probability of healing. Christianity has been a part of the lives of mankind since the fall of Adam. Entwistle believes that God has given mankind a guideline to promote living a spiritual lifestyle that is beneficial to all mankind. Although there is not a connection with psychology and Christianity,
The book gives readers an in depth look into psychology and theology, paving a way for the two to come together. Entwistle (2010) suggest that the two do not have to be at odds, but rather Psychology and Christianity should be used together; writing, “The interaction of psychology and theology is virtually inevitable
In David Entwistle’s book, Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity (2010), he explores two potentially divergent disciplines: psychology and theology. He then considers whether integration of these two disciplines is attainable, desirable, or necessary
The New England clergy view sexual intercourse
In the beginning, Christian would have casual “flings” with men he didn’t even know. There was no mutual love between them. It was all about the sex and he didn’t even remember their names.
The Christian faith is pluralistic, meaning, “There [are] as many ways to love God as there [are] Christian souls” (Salzman, 2000, p.77). This reaches greater complexity when considering the impact of neuropsychology on the Christian faith. People experience God in a plethora of ways, but what about seemingly brain induced experiences?
Patrick Dennis is the leader of a church in Shreveport, Louisiana. According to The Old Black Church, Dennis is married and pretends to be quite happy with his wife Natasha. In truth, however, they have been living apart, their marriage having been ripped apart by sexual sin. Pastor Dennis had been having sex with members of his congregation, once even with a mother and her
Speaking in tongues is initial evidence of Spirit baptism. Scriptural evidences include Acts 2:4, 10:45-46, 19:6. 8:17-18 also suggests this, although it is not directly stated. It is also interesting that speaking in tongues occurred in all five of the narratives in Acts.
Surely humanity suffers when the function of sex corrupts by representing it as a service or commodity and religion corrupts when it is a matter of dry rituals or abstract doctrines; consequently, underscoring the situation with confusing sex scandals. As a result, sexual misconduct is a major issue in the churches today. Child molestation within the churches reeks of priests being caught-up in lust and unmistakably is a real sign that the brotherhood lacks guidance of the profound reality of the LORD’S sexual identity. Notably, in these past several decades, an enormous amount of priests, along with various other ‘proclaimed’ Christians, predominantly waver with uncertainty, puzzled why they have sexual desires and totally unaware of their Divine sexual heritage. Concurrently, just as the Catholic Church, the Protestant Church also suffers from sex scandals worldwide. Figures released to the Associated Press in 2007, reveals that the numbers of these sex abuse cases appear higher in the Protestant Church than in the Catholic Church. At any rate, the process in obtaining Protestant sex abuse statistics evolves as harder to come by and sketchier because the denominations happen to be less centralized than the Catholic Church. Various Protestant congregations occur independently, making reporting even more difficult.
Due to differences in worldview, speculation of the possibility of integration of Christianity and psychology exists. Although these differences seem to cause conflict, or undermine integration between psychology and Christianity, some scientific data can be complimentary to the Christian worldview and provide us with a better understanding of humans as a whole. Some problems can arise when attempting to integrate theology and science, such as some Christians having contempt for secular science or secular science believing the Christian worldview is based on irrational thought. Rather than throwing out a view over differences, the differences can be examined and good aspects of psychology that align with the Biblical truths can be found.
The Christian psychology view is represented by Robert Roberts and P. J. Watson. This view points out that psychology—that is, critical reflection on “human psychic well-being and dysfunction” (150)—is ancient, not modern, in origin. Roberts and Watson maintain that there is not one universal psychology, but rather many rival psychologies. In this context, Christian psychologists wish to stake a claim for an approach to psychology that is explicitly based upon the Christian tradition. This recovery of a distinctly Christian psychology takes place in two stages: retrieving the “rich resources that lie within our own tradition” (155) and engaging in empirical research from within this framework. This latter step includes utilizing “well-established” social-scientific methods as well engaging in critical dialogue with psychologies that are based upon other worldviews. In short, Christian psychologists wish to produce a Coe and Hall defend the transformational psychology view. “worldview-explicit” psychology (175).y view. The transformational response to the view of level of explanation approach maintains that “psychology is ultimately an act of love” (199). It focuses on the spiritual and emotional transformation of the psychologist. One of the key premises of the
When discussing the relationship of brain and behavior, the materialist view of human experience runs into conflict with the historically dominant religious accounts. Recent studies, however, suggests that there may be a "middle view" between the two world-views. Religions, especially Buddhism, stress the role of meditation in one's spiritual growth. Meditation has tangible psychological and physiological benefits, though, which can be explained strictly in neurobiological terms. Understanding of how meditation affects the brain, and, by extension, human behavior, also gives insight into consciousness, the role of feedback loops, and the nature of the I-function.
Research studies have shown efforts to distinguish differences between religious and nonreligious individuals in areas of physiological studies. In an article called The Neural Correlates of Religious and Nonreligious Belief (Harris, Kaplan, Curiel, Bookheimer, Lacoboni, and Cohen 2009), the topic of physiological studies attempts to discover differences between religious believers and the non- religious is expanded. The researchers intend to discover the difference in brain activity of religious believers and non-religious believers when presented with questions of fact and questions of fiction. This critique will present the researchers main questions, the methods used, the results of the experiments, and conclusions. The study’s strengths, validity, consistency and weaknesses will also be assessed throughout this critique.
Twenty years ago, when the sexual revolution was really strong, many argued that it would liberate men and women from the brutal view of sexuality persistent in the society. Many argue that Christianity is the foundation of sexual repression, but the Christian opinion of sex focuses more on wisdom and knowledge. Christians no longer need to offer apologies for their persistence upon sexual morality, for their insistence upon keeping sex for marriage. Some in high public places are now launching advice on abstinence before marriage and to worship faithful monogamous marriages. They have initiated to see these as practices of great practical wisdom and knowledge.
Many priests, after taking the vow of celibacy, discover that they can’t suppress their sexual feelings towards others. Many priests have secret relationships that they hide from their parish. Good Tidings is an organization set up by a woman and her husband, a former Catholic priest, to help priests who have fallen in love to decide whether to leave the priesthood. The organization has been contacted by almost 2000 women who were sexually involved