As it says in the article Penzias and Wilsons work proves “how science can be serendipitous and requires theory to inform both observations and conclusions.” In the year 1963 they were using what’s called a Radio Telescope to help them “see” by listening to wavelengths administered from emitted energy in space in order for them to “increase the accuracy of existing measurements of radio sources in the Milky Way.” It wasn’t until Penzias and Wilson communicated with Cosmologists that they discovered the “noise” they were picking up wasn’t noise at all if it wasn’t for the two scientists “sharing their data and ideas” the Cosmic Microwave Background story probably never would have surfaced for who knows how long. Penzias and Wilson picked up
On August 9, 2014 police officer Darren Wilson heard a call on his radio about a shoplifting in progress. It was then that Wilson proceeded on with his day only to encounter 18-year-old Michael Brown and 20-year-old Dorian Johnson were walking in the middle of the street; both of which matched the description of the call that had occurred earlier. The events of that day resulted in Brown’s death. This ultimately aggravated the citizens of Ferguson, who then protested in an effort to stand up for Brown who they believed was killed while surrendering. Considering all the evidence, the grand jury should not have indicted officer Wilson because the witness statements and the autopsy are in favor of what Wilson had reported.
Cosmic background radiation is radiation from the early development of the universe. After the big bang the universe was smaller and much hotter than it is now and was filled with a fog of hydrogen plasma. Eventually the universe started expanding and became cooler. As it cooled stable atoms started forming, leaving only CMB remained so it is a strong evidence that the Big Bang Theory was correct. Scientist thought if the big bang actually happened then there would have to be cosmic background radiation left over, so all they had to do is find evidence of this and they did so this gave the big bang theory evidence to support their claim.
The article ‘On the Recentness of What We Know,’ written by Verlyn Klinkenborg, is a pleasant read about the author’s fondness of astronomy and his insight regarding the science of it and knowledge gleaned from it. Klinkenborg recounts a few of his star-gazing memories and then proceeds to analyze the effects cosmological discoveries have on him personally and humanity in general. The author shares bits of theoretical history of the universe and information on the early astronomers whose hypotheses have developed that history. He goes on to reference various well known discoveries throughout the years and marvels at how drastically information in recent years has changed the stories of our universe.
John Dilulio, who knew James Q. Wilson as a colleague and friend for the last 32 years of Wilson’s life, comments that despite Wilson’s prolific public and professional pursuits, he spent quality time with both his wife and two children. He always attended his children’s special events and took them on many trips abroad (Dilulio, 2012).
Just because they don't know what Copernicus is talking about doesn't make it
She is most notable for providing a great deal of compelling evidence, alongside Dr. Kent Ford, that proved Fritz Zwicky’s Theory of the existence of Dark Matter.2 Zwicky stated that individual galaxies within the Coma Cluster were moving so fast that if they were only held by the gravity of its visible mass that it would escape. Since he found no evidence of the cluster falling apart he concluded that there must be something else holding it together that was nearly 10 times that of visible matter, he called this Dark matter.2 While working with Dr. Ford, they began analyzing the light coming from stars in spiral galaxies. They used what is called the “Doppler effect” which states the wavelength shift is proportional to the speed of the light source relative to the observer. This uses the wavelength of light in how it is approaching or moving away from the observer. When a light source moves away from you it presents a red color and when it comes toward you it presents a blue light. After measuring several stars in different parts
Beyond the Galaxy: How Humanity Looked Beyond Our Milky Way and Discovered the Entire Universe, written by astrophysicist Ethan Siegel, is an introductory textbook for the purpose of educating the layman about the matters of the universe. Because of this, the book covers a wide range of topics, from The Big Bang Theory, to the development of theories about the universe throughout the 20th century, to matter, antimatter, and dark, and even to the hypothesized end of the universe. Because about of a third of the book concerned dark matter, Siegel’s views on dark matter will be the main focus of this essay. Siegel begins with commenting on the discovery of and the development of theories concerning dark matter. Dark matter was first hypothesized as a solution to the discrepancy between the amount of mass in the universe determined through starlight, and the amount of mass in the universe determined through gravitation.
“The lights that filled the universe could be channeled, dissected, magnified, and measured by human ingenuity” (enlight, 2). There was a significant breakthrough in regards to what could be done in continuing to explore new theories.
A way to treat Wilson disease is with a lifelong amount of medication to reduce and control the amount of copper in the body. Treatment may include
Without this sense, it would be difficult to persuade people that “a miniscule jiggle” in space has any impact on them or that they should care. Another way that Krauss conveys his argument is by recognizing this counterargument: why should people care about space waves when there are more pressing issues like politics and when the discovery doesn’t “produce faster cars or better toasters.” He counters this with the idea that a scientific discovery, like art or music, represents “pinnacles of human creativity”; it reflects the best of humanity such as “curiosity and ingenuity.” Science can have cultural contributions just like a “Picasso painting or a Mozart symphony,” both of which most people don’t question the merit or significance of. Krauss also points out that such scientific work throughout history has led to a better understanding of the universe.
Progressive hepatolenticular disease, or more commonly known as Wilson’s Disease, is a rare autosomal recessive genetic disorder of copper metabolism that is characterized by hepatic and neurological disease. While there is no cure for Wilson’s Disease, there are several treatments that can effectively manage the symptoms. The predominant form of treatment for Wilson’s Disease is heavy metal toxicity medication which utilize copper chelators to prompt the organs in the body to release copper into the bloodstream and excreted via urine after kidney filtration or zinc to reduce copper absorption (Ala et. al, 2007). Medications for Wilson’s Disease include penicillamine, trientine, and zinc acetate. Besides medications, other current therapeutic
Edgar Allan Poe wrote a series of psychological stories, among these being “William Wilson” and “Angel of the Odd”. William Wilson is a mysterious story about a supposedly evil doppelganger, while Angel of the Odd is a bit more light and about the dreams a drunken man has about strange incidents. These two stories are clearly contrasted in tone but can be compared in many ways based on the storyline and underlying ideas of the writings.
Genetic disorders range from minor to extreme. While some disorders can enable a person to live a full life, some are much more devastating. “Wilson’s disease is a rare inherited disorder that causes too much copper to accumulate in your liver, brain, and other vital organs,” says Mayo Clinic. 1 Wilson’s disease can enable a person to live a long and healthy life, if they seek out treatment.
The reason why Armstrong is so set on a scientific explanation is that he believes it is the only place, besides in mathematics, where people can reach an actual consensus. Even if it may take years or lifetimes, science has proven time and time again to
Once microwave radiation was discovered, studies improved on the Milky Way Galaxy. Its Doppler Shift can be used to map the motion of gas in it. Also, with radio telescopes, hydrogen gas can now be traced. When the Hubble Space Telescope was introduced in 1990, that made exploring space so much easier and more efficient. That’s how we discovered so much about our universe- including galaxies!