
Peptic Ulcer Disease and Pediatric Patients

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PUD is not as common in pediatric patients when compared to adult incidences. The most common cause of PUD in pediatrics is due to Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) infection (Guariso & Gasparetto, 2012). Primitive ulcers, due to H. pylori, cause changes in the gastric or duodenal mucosa and alter gastric function such as overproduction of HCl and pepsin, resulting in ulcer-forming lesions (Guariso & Gasparetto, 2012). NSAIDs, stress and other extra-gastric pathogenic events cause secondary ulcers within the stomach. The underlying pathology of PUD is due to the reduction of prostaglandins that serve as a protective mechanism on the gastric mucosa. Patients most commonly present with dull stomach ache or pain usually after a meal. Gas, bloating, nausea and vomiting are some less common symptoms. PUD, although rare when compared to adults, is reported worldwide in children and most commonly identified as initiated by H. pylori infection and the use of NSAIDs occurring in the second decade of life. Other events such as stress, shock, or major trauma can trigger acute ulcers in children but there is a hereditary family history component that increases acid output and accelerates gastric emptying in more than 20% of patients (Guariso & Gasparetto, 2012). Although H. pylori infection is the more common cause of PUD, the use of NSAIDs increases the risk of acquiring PUD (Guariso & Gasparetto, 2012).
Guariso & Gasparetto (2012) thoroughly investigated the cause of

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