
Ulcerative Colitis Research Paper

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Ulcerative colitis is an inflammation of the digestive tract. There are four types of ulcerative colitis. Ranging from most severe to least severe Pan-ulcerative colitis, left sided colitis, Proctosigmoiditis, and ulcerative proctitis. Though the causes are unknown there are possibly three factors which may play a part in the disease. The immune system, basically the immune system is fighting itself and inflaming the GI tract, environmental triggers such as certain bacteria’s, viruses, and genetic predisposition. (CrohnsandColitis) Also a lot of theories have been thrown out there, things like salmonella poisoning, and different strands of anti-biotics. (TheMedicalAdvisor)
The most affected age group is young adults. Now it is more typical …show more content…

Simple activities such as exercising, playing with children, going to the store, and missing special moments and events in their loved ones lives. Many people such as myself have missed out on such events like their daughter trying on her wedding dress, graduations, births and funerals. One of the harder things that patients with ulcerative colitis face on a daily basis is always needing to know where a bathroom is, just in case. The constant fear of diarrhea, and if it does happen what to do next. Since this disease is so serious if left untreated can lead to dangerous complications and death. Ulcerative colitis is a very difficult disease for physicians to treat, since the symptoms are so similar to crohn’s disease and other gastrointestinal diseases. (Mann, …show more content…

The next step for the physician to treat the disease would be surgery. There are different types of surgical procedures like a J-pouch or a colostomy. When dealing with a J-pouch procedure the surgeon removes the large intestine then the small intestine is reattached to the anus, this allows the patient to have normal bowel movements. A colostomy is where the large intestine and the rectum are completely removed, then a stoma is made near the belly button and is outside the body also the anus is closed up. Then the surgeon will attach a bag outside the stoma, this is where bowel movements are redirected to the stoma into the colostomy bag. (Mann,

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