
Perceptual Mapping Concept

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Perceptual Mapping Perceptual mapping is a graphics technique used by asset marketers that attempts to visually display the perceptions of customers or potential customers. Typically the position of a product, product line, brand, or company is displayed relative to their competition. Creating a Perceptual Map The way to determine a product or service's current position in the marketplace compared to the competition is with a customer perceptual map. Example: Choose a product or service and identify three companies who manufacture it. For example, you might choose peanut butter as the product you will study. Then identify three peanut butter manufacturers. Next create two questions about how the peanut butter product is positioned …show more content…

Using the Las Vegas casino hotel example, we might find that the casinos appearing at the top of the ‘y’ axis represent properties that are more geared to tourists, while casinos at the bottom of the ‘y’ axis are more geared to the ‘locals’ market. Another interpretation may be casinos on the bottom are more ‘downscale’, while casinos on the top are more ‘upscale’. Again, interpretation of perceptual maps is subjective in nature. The second method of interpretation of perceptual maps is termed ‘property fitting.’ Continuing with our Las Vegas hotel casino example, the property fitting places the attributes that the respondents used to rate the different casinos in the same perceptual space as the casinos, to aid in interpretation of the casinos’ positioning. The attributes are placed in the same perceptual space using multiple regression techniques. Essentially, the mean, or average, rating of each of the measured attributes is taken individually and regressed on the derived space coordinates (from the algorithm used to generate the perceptual map). One important by-product of the regressions, besides the R2, which shows how important each variable is in defining the perceptual space, is the beta weights generated by the regression. There is one beta weight generated for each stimulus

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