
Percy Jackson Archetypes

Decent Essays

“A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is brave five minutes longer.”(Ralph Waldo Emerson) ¨Percy Jackson¨ draws on the legend of ¨Perseus¨ by having similar archetypes, and fighting some of the same monsters, but making it modernized.

First of all, they both have the same hero archetypes. They are both known as the misfit. I got this, because they are both kind of the outcast or people are trying to get rid of them. For example, how Percy knew what the greek writing was but didn’t know the answer. “Sorry don't know” (Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief scene 1) This shows that he is different the rest of the people in the world. Second, Percy has dyslexia and ADHD. “I think this Dyslexia thing is getting worse.” (Percy jackson and the lightning Thief scene 3) Third, in Perseus, the King of the island was trying to find ways to get him off the island. “No man had ever set out to kill Medusa had come back, and the king …show more content…

Also her appearance is different. In Perseus, “He came to the island of the Gorgons”(D’Aulaires 118). This shows that in this story that there are three sisters and they are called the Gorgon sisters. In Percy Jackson, they go to the “Gardening EMPORIO TIA EME.” This shows that the place that they found Medusa was a more modern type stone yard place. They way that they killed Medusa was different. In Perseus, “Perseus swooped down, and with one deft stroke he cut off the Medusa’s head.”(D’Aulaires 118) He went and just cut off his head and got it done with. In Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, they had a whole big chase and running around the garden. Then finally, Percy was able to sneak up on her. “Heads up”. (Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief scene 14). Annabeth had driven the car and knocked Percy and Medusa on the ground and Percy came up behind her and cut off her head and said Heads

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