
Peristaltic Digestion Research Paper

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Matt and Maria have now received and begun to eat their pizza. They have accomplished biting off a portion of a piece of pizza and proceeded to chew and swallow. Digestion of the pizza starts in the mouth with food chewing and mixing it with saliva to make food bolus. Teeth are arranged according to function starting with the incisors that cuts the food, canines that tear food, the premolars and molars that crush and grind the food. The pizza will then proceed to the mouth through the pharynx and then the esophagus; a straight, muscular tube that descends through the chest to the stomach. At the stomach, both chemical and physical digestion takes place. The food is churn physically and mixed with gastric juice like HCL and pepsin enzyme to …show more content…

Villi and microvilli separate the food particles, which is a physical process. Enzymes are also dumped from liver, gallbladder, and pancreas to help with digestion. Small intestines are divided into three sections; duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. The duodenum produces intestinal enzymes that help to break down nutrients more efficiently in order to ease their absorption in the jejunum and the ileum. Peristaltic contraction plays a great role in moving chyme to the large intestine from the small intestines. Large intestines is comprised of three segments; the cecum, the colon, and the rectum. Food is received in the cecum from small intestines and proceeds into the colon where water is absorbed, and undigested materials are converted into feces. Peristalsis receives the food from colon and stores them before they are expelled through the …show more content…

The system behind fight response or the flight is the SNS. When someone gets shocked by an incident, SNS increases heart rate, a situation that necessitates for energy provision. Blood flow increases directing blood to flow to the digestive system in order to provide more energy to the lungs, heart, and muscles. PNS, on the other hand, stimulates digestion by increasing the flow of blood to the digestive tract. Through increased peristalsis and stimulation of salivary gland secretion, food digestion increases with the increase of nutrients absorption (Kiba,

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