
Oral Cavity And Pharynx Research Paper

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It will take Matt and Maria about five to thirty seconds to chew their General Tso’s chicken and rice. Food remains in their oral cavity and pharynx for about only one minute (Primal Pictures). The oral cavity is where the initial phases of mechanical and chemical digestion begins. It helps sense the food being consumed by gaining information regarding taste, texture and temperature. The pharynx is a fibromuscular structure that connects the oral cavity with the esophagus. During this time the walls of the pharynx constrict to push the General Tso chicken and rice into the esophagus. The food then travels to the esophagus and is there for a short amount of time, around five to eight seconds (Primal Pictures). The esophagus is a continuation of the pharynx. Peristalsis …show more content…

The stomach mixes the highly acidic gastric juices and enzymes with the chyme to prepare the nutrients absorption in the small intestine. The food does not stay in the pancreas, liver, or gallbladder but simply passes by it. These digestive organs aid in the chemical digestion of chyme as it passes into the small intestine. After staying in the stomach four a few hours and passing by the pancreas, liver and gallbladder, it will go to the small intestine (Primal Pictures). Once the food is in the small intestine, it will take three to five hours from entry at the duodenum to exit from the ileum. The small intestine takes part in the further chemical digestion and absorption of the food. The nutrients from the Chinese food will pass through the wall of the small intestine and into the bloodstream so that the nutrients can spread throughout the rest of the body. The surface area for absorption will increase through tiny projections called villi. The unabsorbed portion of the bolus then enters the large intestine. Once the food remains have reached the large intestine it can take up anywhere between 10 hours to several

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