
Personal Drug Philosophy Examples

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Personal Drug Philosophy Andy Emroch University of Virginia 9/7/17 Introduction I am yet to experiment with drugs and narcotics in any form, even though I am surrounded by recreational drug users and addicts. My parents and siblings are avid caffeine consumers, so much so that they cannot start their day without a cup of coffee. My friends and colleagues also indulge their pallets and block their adenosine receptors to suppress their urge to sleep and heighten their arousal. Nor am I partial to the effects of tobacco, alcohol, and prescription medications. I particularly loathe the so-called hard drugs like marijuana, cocaine, molly, and heroin. The effects of these toxins, no matter the verbs used to describe their deliriously exhilarating experience, have never appealed to me. The adverse effects of their use are all too apparent to ignore, and on top of that, I am partial to maintaining control of my thoughts, actions, and body in general. My partiality to being in charge of everything that defines me perhaps make me one of the few people who abhor drug use. All too often my friends will cajole me by calling me chicken after I turn down their request to join them for a few beers at the local pub, for the umpteenth time. That has never deterred me from my resolution to remain free of drugs, of any type. The above is the constitution of my personal drug philosophy – I will not use them in any form, but at the same time, I will not look down, or shun, anyone

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