
Personal Essay: Immigration To The United States

Decent Essays

Ibrahim Hussein
College Essay I open the door. I feel sick. I’m nervous and my stomach’s turning. The room is lined with neat rows of desks, each one occupied by another kid my age. I walk in and sit down in an open seat, kids awkwardly staring at me. It’s my first year in 9th grade, second month in NJ, and my first year in the United States of America. My father, yearning for new opportunities, emigrated from Egypt to America in 2001. Due to certain circumstances he could not bring my mother, me or my sister right away. Due to a coalition of my father’s absence and other circumstances my parents were divorced. After that my sister and I lived with my mother for about three years and then we were moved to my grandparent's house. Eight years later, my father had situated himself and decided to bring me to live with him in order to to continue my education in a better place. …show more content…

As a result, I have at least lived in six different “homes” and transferred to four different schools. It was hard to leave everything behind. All that I accomplished, the relationships I built and everyone I knew and cared about, gone. I have to start all over again from scratch, building and constructing relationships with friends and family. Then when I start to get situated, the process repeats itself again and again. Even though it was thought at first I have grown acclimated to it. As a result of this experience, I believe that I became a more independent and socially adept

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