
Personal Experience: Getting My Nursing Certificate

Decent Essays

I have chosen Job Corps because I’ve read and heard that it is a good program and they have a great CNA program. Some skills that I need to acquire in CNA are medical terms, pulse reading and what certain tools are and what they are used for. I like working in groups and by myself depending on the situation. My strengths are that I am fluent in English and Spanish. I am great at Math and I work well with everybody. My weakness is that I will get frustrated when I try something many times and I don’t achieve it. Also my other weakness is that I will trust people easily and then end up getting disappointed sometimes with certain people. I am comfortable with change but not changes that are not so drastic because I’ve had many change in my life. My whole first grade I moved schools about 4 or 5 times. Then I moved again to start 2nd grade at another school and too much moving didn’t go well with me at the end because it made it harder for me to make friends because of all of the moving that we did. Something that I think is important in a job is a great work environment where everybody gets along with each other. My dream job is to be an emergency room or trauma nurse because I have always liked the feeling of helping others. I actually changed my career choice because the career opportunity for pastry chef wasn’t I can multi task most of the time, bilingual and have lots of patience when it is necessary. I am also very good at memorizing things like names and

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