
My Life As A Registered Nurse

Good Essays

Have you ever had a moment in life that validated the direction in which you felt compelled to follow? A moment which never escapes your mind because it represents one of the purest, symbolic instances you have experienced? Or a moment as simple as being handed a book to encourage you to further your dream? A time to inspire you to succeed in becoming something even more significant than you already are? Or had a moment offering you the opportunity to enhance your knowledge, and thrust yourself into the world you so deeply want to be a part of? I was handed the Merck Manual along with a kind gesture and warm-hearted encouragement which aided in igniting a fire, reaffirming what I felt I was meant to do; it was a defining moment in my life. …show more content…

The clinic was minuscule and had only one physician, a Licensed Vocational Nurse, a counselor, and myself. We became very close and in many ways a small family of sorts. I would schedule luncheons regularly with pharmaceutical representatives and became very fond of a few them. Our Pfizer representative, Mary, knew I wanted to become a Registered Nurse (RN). Mary was very kind, and would bring Olive Garden for every luncheon I would schedule with her; it was the office favorite. On one of these occasions, she gifted me with a book, The Merck Manual. When she handed me the book, I flipped through the pages and instantly I was hooked. I craved the knowledge and information it held inside like it was waiting for me to discover it. I would find myself immersed in the text, reading it non-stop in my free time. I wanted to know everything it could teach me. The manual represented an endless supply of information that intrigued me and left me wanting to know …show more content…

Having the ability to comprehend and sympathize with individuals that came into the clinic for different medical conditions not only made me a better person but will also make me a more competent nurse in my future. I still have the manual I was given that fateful day. I will never get rid of it. I will cherish the manual and the memory of the kind lady that gave it to me. Mary believed in me and my future. The tome means more to me than I could ever portray on paper. The manual not only lit a fire in my soul but represents my goal. This symbolism is what makes me continue to carry it from home to home. Having someone believe so deeply in me and always encouraging me to follow my dream was very instrumental during the time that I worked for the clinic, and continues to be as I continue on my path of becoming an RN. I will use The Merck Manual again, now that I am actively pursuing my nursing degree. It will be a fundamental instrument to refresh my mind on diagnosis, treatments, procedures, and other things I may have forgotten. It will reacquaint me with the world of which I truly desire to be a part

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