During the next two scheduled guard meetings he was a "no show" on the first day and again he was reprimanded. Every time he failed to attend, he would not receive payment for guard duty. This punishment did not help because the next month he failed to attend. During the time between meetings, I consulted with the Command Chief. I asked him the course of action that could be taken and he advised that I make one final call, to this individual. The young man was contacted and informed that if he missed any part of the two day scheduled meeting, prior to him departing for basic training, he would be discharge from the military. After he was called and advised regarding the options in his situation, he never missed another
Talent Management is a key component to the proper development of the Army. As a strength manager, you can play a pivotal role in the talent management process. Strength managers manage the current force pool versus the requirements of the organization. A common approach used in the Army National Guard is to break down the assigned strength into different categories are “Obligors” or “Careerists”. These groups, based on their current time served in the organization and their probable plans to make the Army a career.
Without a plan, a mission was just another fairytale. So far, the biggest and most important event was the attempt to try and figure out who this third group was.
The client is a 26 year old, single, male, African American. He is an active duty ship’s serviceman seaman serving in the United States Navy, aboard the USS Belleau Wood (LHA-3). Seaman (SN) Fisher is residing on board the USS Belleau Wood (LHA-3) that is permanently stationed at San Diego Naval Base, 32nd Street in California. SN Fisher was given orders to report to Navy Mental Health Services Department on base as Involuntary Command Referral for diagnosis and treatments, to get an evaluation and expert psychiatric recommendation about whether the service member is mentally fit to stay in the United States Navy. SN Fisher is unwilling to begin counseling,
An examination of the patrol officer’s jobs and duties took place. The gathering of information and interviewing a seasoned patrol offer assisted in this examination. The city in which the patrol officer works is also studied. Research of the city of Hueytown’s population and history helped to understand the demographics and crime within the city. While Hueytown’s violent crimes are low, thefts and burglaries rank the highest. Communities, including the city of Hueytown, place patrol officers on the streets in order to protect and serve. Officer Louis Phillips, Jr. gave an interview that takes an in depth look at his journey as a patrol officer.
Ok first of all what’s wrong with his letter? Other than the Operational Security Violations I don’t see what he should eliminate. He gave direction, and a reason why those directions were valid. He has also given an important other message that is written between the lines. He has given his family an impression of what his life is like, and the challenges he is facing. John is a Military Officer; he has been trained to give as much information as possible. You spend an hour waiting to get on a computer to send a message home; you may not be in such a big
Hunter Airfield Base in Savannah, Ga I stood there reticently facing my First Sergeant and Captain, being admonished by them. Months had passed and I haven’t recovered from the accident and it bothered them to the point that they had separation papers all laid out before me. My quiet attitude, begin to uproar a bit, I became vociferous pertaining to my career in the army. My career was coming to a screeching halt right before my eyes. My dreams of being an officer in the United States army, ever since I was a little girl was about to come to an end. “Pvt. Aaron, you are no longer physically, or mentally stable and you army being released from active duty.” Captain Mackenzie said. In my response, “Captain, First Sergeant, both of you denied my doctors convalescent leave and his rehabilitation orders for me and now you want to take my career from me too.” Then they proceeded and said “Sign here on this line Private and I didn’t know what else to do but sign. Didn’t know my rights or who to turn to. I was just as lost as a deer on a dark, dark, night in headlights and that’s just how lost I
After watching the documentary on Policing the Police provided by Frontline, I have come to realize that community policing rather and the use of a task force is a better approach when trying to get guns and drugs off the street. Subsequently, I do not believe that officers can realistically get guns and drugs off the streets without violating citizens’ rights. Based on related articles from The New Yorker and PBS, and first hand experiences from the narrator in the documentary I will be able to provide insight into my own opinions and thoughts about the issues at hand. This essay will also provide insight into the pros and cons of using community policing rather than using a task force. Also, this essay will touch on the
On 3/11/2016 at approximately 1103 hours, I was conducting a routine patrol in my marked patrol vehicle, traveling on Bridge Street towards West Academy Street, when I observed a green Honda passenger vehicle driving with a expired registration number plate (GS 20-111(2). Prior to me activating my blue lights and siren, I found that the registered owner of the vehicle, a Iesha Monique McNeill had two order for arrest warrants (15CR772317) (15CR202958) out of Wake County via CJleads.
When i arrived at the city hall I was about 30 to 45 min early. I sat down in conference room and listened to them talk about what they could do to help the fire department. They also talked about what they would do with the old uniforms. Once the council member meeting was over the clerk of the council, Molly Kapeluck, helped me and a few other students make sure they had everything they needed. Before the meeting started i got a picture with James V. Ahlstrom. He is in charge of Ward 1. When it was time to start, they called the meeting to order. Then we stood up and said “The Pledge of Allegiance”. Once The Pledge of Allegiance ended we were seated. They started off with roll call of council members. Once recorded by the clerk they started with an award for the Pavs
¨Omg, Matt has a surprise for us!!¨ Makenzie said. I remembered what she had said as I saw Matt walking towards Color guard. All day I had been wondering what the surprize was, Matt told us not to worry, that we will like the surprize. He told us we had to warm up go over our show work once, which meant like five times, altogether then we could go up to the school to get our surprise. Once we had gone through the show work and we started up to the school Chryssa, Christina and I were the first up to the school and into the hallway. As we waited we started wondering and talking about what the surprise could be was it new silks, our uniform, poles, a snack, new work. As everyone else came out into the hallway Matt brought out a big box,
In some senses, TD is a totally customary tower guard diversion. The objective is to make due whatever number influxes of enemies as could reasonably be expected. Each n waves, another way is created, and the trouble of the new way is conformed to offset the player's execution. The enemies go along the way from start to finish with no conceivable outcomes for spreading of preoccupation, and for every monster that reaches the end of the way, the player loses a life. To protect against the monsters, the player can buy towers and place them deliberately on the sides of the way. The cost of a tower relies on upon its abilities, which can change along measurements, for example, range, terminating speed, poison impact and so on., and cash to buy
The puporse of me writing this essay to let my leadership or any soldier in the united states army that reads this know that I do understand the importance of never missing an appointment. This is my second time with this plan of action. This is my second time missing an appointment. This is not a good look for a PFC with a bad repitation already. Missing a scheduled appointment may seem like a little fuck up, but if you think about it and trace it back far enough it has a negative impact on the lives of many people involved. it effects the army as a whole, the government, tax dollars, every American and possible most of the population of the planet even if they don’t know it or feel an impact from it on some level
These three excerpts from MilkWeed, “Until Then I Had Only Read about These Things in Books..”, and “The Guard” all have similar and different understandings. Each of these books have a idea with the dark times of the holocaust.
There were two people being dragged out of an alley way, screaming and trying to fight their way out of the grips of the guards. The first thing you learn is to keep to yourself when it comes to the people in power, you make the mistake of getting on their bad side and you 're done for, odds are they didn 't listen. That 's another thing that 's so bad about our sector, most of these kids seem to think they 're invincible and that couldn 't be any less true. The guards threw them into the back of the truck, cursing under their breath about the inconvenience of having to deal with it, as one of the guards made their way to the front seat of the truck he looked up at me and our eyes met and he smiled at me, a disgusting smile. I looked away and continued walking next to Paisley down the street, I was taking her with me to teach her how to make a trade. Derick and I had established connections with only a few people at first but eventually people we didn 't know at all were coming to us for deals, of course we were picky about who we trusted to get us things we want. You have be careful when doing things like this because to have someone know what it is you really want gives them an advantage and it 's only when were desperate that we aren 't as cautious as we should be. Usually we have the upper hand because people only ask us for things they can 't find themselves. Our price usually consisted of weapons, ammo, or ration cards but sometimes what people ask for can be tricky
It was late afternoon. A typical, beautiful day in Xeno. Until all these men dressed in uniforms came. Usually when guards come to switch duty there 's only a couple hundred. The guards are there to protect us from attacks. Other countries always attack because we are so advanced in technology and everything.They want to try and steal what we have, but this was nothing usual. There were thousands of guards flooding in from left and right. Everybody immediately thought we were under attack, but the weird thing was there were no alarms or the voice of our President telling us what was happening. As quick as we were alarmed we all of a sudden felt at ease. Just like everyone else I brushed it off as nothing. That’s when it all began.