
Personal Health Reflection

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There are six dimensions of health, physical, social, emotional, intellectual, and environmental. Learning about them and strategies to better improve them and improve to myself was extremely important and will help me in the long run. I may not be better now but I will be in the future.
Physical health, according to the text book, Access to Health, “This dimension includes characteristics such as body size and shape, sensory acuity and responsiveness, susceptibility to disease and disorders, body functioning, physical fitness, and recuperative abilities.” At the beginning of this class, I spent my days lounging around watching Netflix, never going out to do anything. Now, I have been educated on just how important exercising is to my long-term health. I have been over weight my entire life always getting warnings from doctors, but I never realized just how bad I was doing when I scored a 12 for physical on the Lifestyle Assessment, which was my lowest score. Just previous to taking this course I had decided to try and lose some weight by eating smaller portions, and exercising for 30 minutes each day but never followed through. Now because of the FITT worksheet and the Potential Risks and Strategies worksheet I am trying again and with better results. Using the Visualizing strategy, where I visualize how good and healthy I will feel once I lose all the weight I want to lose, I am working on losing weight.
Not exercising can lead to many different health risks, including high cholesterol, joint pain, high blood pressure and more. Plus, when you exercise you can socialize with others at a gym or have more energy to go clubbing and it is an excuse to leave your house.
I did not really understand what environmental health really meant until we watched Environmental Injustice. This video made me see how negatively the population can affect the world we live on. Most us do not see what is happening to the environment because it does not affect us directly, and when it does we cannot do anything to stop it cause where else are you supposed to put the trash. This video made me see the only way we can stop this is by stopping at the root of the problem.
I took the carbon foot print quiz to

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