Every person has an identity that is unique to them. If I had to describe who I am to somebody that has never met me I would say that I am a queer nineteen-year old in recovery. This does not tell the person every part of myself. They could not know what my personality is like or how I was raised. However, they have a better more exact understanding of me than a stranger at a bus stop would have. The factors that formed my identity affect my daily life, my future, and how I act in different environments. Two factors have helped shape most of my identity. The first one is the program of Narcotics Anonymous and the second is the LGBTQ+ community. Entering recovery has helped me come to terms with other parts of my identity. Before I joined the program, I was aware that I was not straight. However, i assumed that I was bisexual because I knew I was attracted to both men and women. After joining the program, I became more aware of my sexuality and I concluded that I was attracted to a person regardless of their gender identity. The people I have met in the program taught me what my privilege means. They showed me how being white truly affects my day to day life, they showed me how being middle-class affects my day to day life, they also showed me how being cisgendered benefits me, and so on and so forth. Many parts of my identity affect me on a daily basis. One thing I have observed is that people are more inclined to help me because I am white and female. For example, any
Personal identity is essential in the human experience. Identity is complex and can be broken down into two main groups: introspective identity, and bodily identity. Introspective identity is based off of the groups, mentalities, or beliefs that you align yourself with, and bodily identity is based off of the physical side of yourself. Whether physical or introspective, your identity impacts every action you take. Whether choices ranging from what colors you prefer to which college you want to attend are primarily based off of your introspective identity, which is a combination of both memory and consciousness, physical identity impacts how others perceive you. Consciousness is mainly the awareness of bodily identity as well as continuous introspective identify, while memory is awareness of introspective identity. These two different facets of identity are imperative in the distinction between bodily identity and introspective identity. In means of personal identity introspective identity (which is evident in memory), is essential, while bodily identity (based partially in consciousness) has less credit.
A person's sense of individual identity is always changing in response to the experiences in life. How we feel, how we act and how we perceive ourselves and our surroundings can influence change in identity. Identity can be defined as a set of personal or behavioural characteristics by which an individual is recognized or known as by a group. The horrific and heart breaking story of what my friend experienced is a perfect example of how our circumstances and experiences can alter our identities. About two years ago, my friend began to change. Not just how she acted but her appearance too. She looked upset all the time, was skipping school, drifting away from friendships and spent a lot of time in one of the teacher's offices. It took a while
Personal Identity in philosophy refers to a person’s self-perception, ones belief about who they are and how they differ form others. Locke and Hume both share their ideas about Personal identity and although they might both drastically differ they are still both puzzling.
Hello Paige, I live in Edmonton as well. Your hobbies are really interesting! It's always rewarding to indulge in a healthy and calming outlet such as yoga or meditation. I admire your strong sense of identity, you seem incredibly comfortable and confident in yourself and your passions. Although my major is not Psychology, I did take a General Psychology course in high school and I'm enrolled in PSYCH 290 and I have to say it's an extremely fascinating subject; probably one of my favorites this semester. I believe that from reading even a brief introduction about you that such an endeavor truly fits your personality.
No matter how much a person desires to live according to their personal autonomy, he or she will never escape the influence of societal forces. Explicitly or subtlety, these forces shape our individuality. One intriguing manner that these societal forces manifests itself in is our name. As Ruth Graham writes, “It’s becoming increasingly clear today that names carry a wealth of information about the world around us, the family we arrived in, the moment we were born—and that they mark us as part of cultural currents bigger than we realize.” Names alone provide evidence that individuals are made by interactions with social institutions and groups. Ultimately, the inescapable nature of society’s influence demands individuals to ponder how much personal autonomy is actually autonomous and to what extent does the pursuit of personal autonomy lead to a life of emptiness and vanity.
Throughout my life, certain identities have remained consist. And these identities have come to shape my perspectives and my needs and wants within American culture. Typically, my social
My Identity is also set by my behavior, personal characteristics and lastly experiences.The struggles that we face define who we are but it all depends how we overcome them and how we handle it. I have experienced many challenges in my life but It gives me more strength to not stop and keep on moving forward. Also I have experienced negative bias but I learned to control It and focus on the positives things going on in my life. Every single time I fine myself struggling I try to step into someone else shoes and think what they might do to overcome it. Personal characteristics that identify me is my attitude how persistent I am and lastly my discipline.I am a persistent women I don't just give up fast I try to achieve despite all the circumstances
During adolescence I began to develop my identity. Prior to this period I identified as the chunky, overweight child who depended on approval from her parents to succeed. During this time I was able to explore through trying new activities such as volunteering in the community as a third grade Sunday school catechist and playing on the field hockey team. I also was in accelerated courses, so maintaining high educational standards also became part of my identity. According to Erickson, what I was experiencing, “Identity verses Role Confusion” was typical of teens. During this time my values and interest in the special needs community began to develop into something that I have now turned into a career. This allowed
One can be influenced by various factors such as culture, media, interest, friends, experiences, and beliefs. Although the most significant impact on my identity is my family, as it has affected my morals, personality, and occupational identity.
I would describe my identity as a very unique one. For instance it was developed over years of hard-work and misfortune. Growing up in low income family I’ve learned to appreciate what comes to me when it comes to me, this has taught me to be patient and to live within my means. Growing up in a very violent and troubled part of the city meant I could not grow up normally, I was sheltered (continuously). I could not play outside or visit friends, it wasn’t until my mother became a realtor and my father gained a promotion which led to us moving away from what is now more of a slum than what it was. At the age of eight my parents divorced and as a result of this I learned to be independent and self-sufficient. I was primarily raised by very strong
There are incidents that occur in our lives that test our ability to overcome and persevere. These events albeit life changing are integral in developing your personal identity. When a series of incidents occurred at the end of last summer, I fought hard to avoid falling into a serious pothole of failure and doubt. My father hospitalized for a life-threatening ailment, lost his sister unexpectedly while she was visiting him. She was our most beloved aunt and my father’s best friend. Shortly after my father’s discharge, he lost his job, leaving my mother as the sole provider. Our family began to struggle a bit financially until my father got another job; however, they were still able to maintain the tuition for my sister and me, at a private
My purpose is to show my individuality and to express myself. This is for others including myself, to see and to remind us that our identity is very complex.
Everybody has an identity, it makes them individual and unique, and it defines who you are as a person. This project about my identity showed me what makes me unique. I would have never known how much my friends mean to me or how my identities connect with each other. I have three identities that make me who I am, cultural, personal, and social. A specific quality that covers my cultural identity is being Czechoslovakian. Both sides of my family have at least a part of Czech in them. My great-grandparents are from Czech Republic and my grandpa was the first generation in America, he was born in Ohio. This is very important because I have always identified as Czech and it is a big part of me, as I am so interested in ancestry. For my personal identity, the biggest part is my personality, being loud and outgoing, has always been important to me. The reason being, it is how people view me. A lot of people know me as the loud person or the person who talks a lot. That is meaningful to me considering I like people to view me in a certain way The last identity, social, is one of the most important to me because it involves my friends, and through this project, I learned how vital they really are to my social identity. I realized that I have a good amount of friends in this project. It is nice to have people as a support system and to relate with. These qualities show that I value being loud and outgoing. It also says that I value my family and they are a big part of life. The last one, social, ties in with the first one because it shows I am outgoing and friendly.
Identity is made up of several different components. Identity can be made up from the qualities one possesses such as personality, ethnicity, gender, religion, and many more. These characteristics make us who we are. Many of the situations we go through to find who we aren’t ideal situations, but like Albert Einstein once wrote, “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving forward.” With that being said, everything that people go through isn’t just for the hell of it. It’s meant to make you competent and to give you strength for the next “battle” you’ll have to face in life to find who you are and it is done in very different ways. Identity is developed during our early life from our family, we’re molded through
Many people question themselves, what is it exactly that makes them unique? What is it that defines them as a unique person that no one in the world possesses? In philosophy, these questions do not have just one answer, and all answers are correct depending on which theory appeals most and makes sense to you. In general, there are two ways people approach this question, some say that a person’s identity is the “self” that carries all of their experiences, thoughts, memories, and consciousness (ego theorists), and some say that a person’s identity is just a bundle of experiences and events that a person has been through in their life, these people deny that the “self” exists (bundle theorists). In this paper, I will be arguing that a person’s identity is just a bundle of experiences, denying the self and the memory criterion.