
Personal Interview With Denise Reilly In An Ill Family

Decent Essays

“Having an ill family member requires you to enjoy and focus daily on the positives in your life.” Describes Denise Reilly in my personal interview I had with her. “I am a religious person and my faith has given me strength to enjoy each trail as a new opportunity to demonstrate for my family love and acceptance no matter what the circumstances. “ Living a life of trial after trial after trial is hard. For Denise, the trials started soon after 6th grade. “After to returning to St. Louis after moving all over, the kids were less than kind and accepting. I became an introvert and became self-conscious of my body. “ Soon after graduating college, Denise’s mom was diagnosed with a brain tumor; she was wheelchair bound from 1983-2004 when she …show more content…

Denise quickly agreed. She works with the seniors and to establish goals, and opinions for future studies and employment. Throughout her work, Denise has the ability to instill happiness in one's life. Whether it is acting as a substitute teacher or being a sounding board for a struggling student, Denise has the capability to encourage ? “Throughout my experiences at ASOP, I have never seen Denise without a smile on her face. Even when her grandson, Logan was in the hospital she was always smiling.” Amelia Illif, student of Accelerated. Soon after Denise’s husband died, her grandson, Logan was born. Logan has a muscle disease that makes him incapable of doing anything by himself. He has lived in and out of the hospital most of his life. Denise comments, “The most important thing to overcoming obstacles is your attitude and faith.” “Each of my struggles, having to give care to my mom for ten years and facing lung cancer with my husband and having to care for him has allowed me to know that it is important to be happy in one’s life. “ says Denise “Having a rewarding job is nothing if you don’t know what you’re getting rewarded for.

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