
Personal Knowledge In Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451

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Any individual can and will gain access to specific knowledge, despite the restrictions on that information in the surrounding environment. In Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, the society the author sets up is one that is futuristic with many technological advances, however, all books must be demolished. As one can guess, this creates a major knowledge gap for those in the book—as they are unable to look back upon the past and gain personal information. However, there are some who are able to gather this knowledge through family members, through their job, or even books. As Captain Beatty explains to his crew, “’We shall in this day light such a candle by God’s grace, in England, as I trust shall never be put out,” said Beatty. Stoneman glanced over at the Captain, as did Montag, startled. Beatty rubbed his chin. “A man named Latimer said that to a man named Nicholas Ridley, as they were being burnt alive at Oxford, for heresy, on October 16, 1555. Montag and Stoneman went back to looking at the street as it moved under the engine wheels. ”I’m full of bits and pieces,“ said Beatty. ”Most fire captains have to be. Sometimes I surprise myself. Watch it, Stoneman!“ (Bradbury, 37). Furthermore, this idea is further supported by Clarisse and her uncle who dared to tell her about the days of old. ”Across the street and down the way the other houses stood with their flat fronts. What was it Clarisse had said one afternoon? “No front porches. My uncle says there used to be front

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