
Personal Narrative: A Career As A Traveling Nurse

Decent Essays

Throughout my research and after interviewing with a professional of my discourse, I have learned a lot about how things work in the nursing discourse. Ever since I was little I have wanted to be a nurse and to be able to take care of people. After researching more about it and hearing my grandma talk about her working environment, the excitement I have for my future is overwhelming! My grandma told me about how much freedom she has working as a traveling nurse, and how she really gets to build a connection and relationship with her patients. After interviewing with my grandma and hearing about her continuous passion, I have decided that I would be interested in possibly becoming a traveling nurse. For my final essay, I want to focus mainly on …show more content…

For example, if a nurse is trying to get ahold of the doctor, most likely they will shoot him a text, or go get him physically. If a nurse is writing down the symptoms of a patient, she will need to record that either hand written on paper, or in an email to show the doctor. I also want to include all of the parts of the community which make it a discourse like the “experts”, the lexis used, and the goals of the community. All of these things need to be further researched in scientific articles, or news articles. For my final paper, I need to collect a little more information about nurses in hospitals rather than only traveling nurses. I found that the goals of the discourse community were interesting because of how genuine they are. Apart from jobs which the only reward is money, nurses work hard for the main goal of making people happy and healthy. Obviously, nurses have a daily goal of simple stuff like completing files, or filing our charts, but their main goals are much more meaningful. The lexis used for nursing consists of mostly abbreviations or terminologies which make the working space flow faster and more

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