
Personal Narrative: A Career As A Veterinarian

Decent Essays

The career that I will be discussing and reviewing is a veterinarian. Veterinarians examine, diagnose and treat animals, prescribe and administer animal medications, take cell and tissue samples and perform diagnostic tests,and perform surgery on animals (Veterinarian Job Duties). In other terms, veterinarians are like doctors but for animals. “The scope of veterinarian medicine is wide, covering all animal species, both domesticated and wild, with a wide range of conditions which can affect different species” (Veterinarian medicine). The top goal for veterinarians is to keep animals healthy and safe, and to prevent diseases from happening. That’s why your cat, dog or any animal that you own gets many shots. I choose this career because I …show more content…

I can also make good friends that have the same interest and the same ideas about animals. Another thing is, I get paid a good amount for doing something I have fun with and have a passion for. I get to learn new and wild things that I never even thought of and I can have hands on experience with so many different types of situations. I can also travel around the world for cases they need help on, so that sounds fun and exciting. I know for sure that this career is for me!
Unfortunately there is a downside in this career for me and that is putting animals to sleep. I would hate the feeling that I am taking away a life or that I have failed to help the animal in need. I would also hate see the family burst into tears while I put their loved one to sleep. In that situation I would honestly just tell my assistant to do the part for me because I would start crying as well. The challenging part for me I would guess is remembering how to do a procedure or looking at the x-rays and examining what’s wrong with the animal. I’m really not good at remembering things, but I’ll just try my

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