
Personal Narrative: A Career In Game Design

Decent Essays

Introduction In the past week or two I have been taking surveys and learning about numerous careers. Most of the careers I didn't really prefer or like, but there were some of the careers I was interested in. Survey Results My first survey, the Basic Skills Survey told me a lot about myself. I am a very active listener and am great at speaking to people. I am a very critical thinker and am ok at math and science. It also gave me careers to choose from. Some of them payed very well and didn't seem to complicated like a pharmacist. And some payed very little like a Weigher/measurer/checker/sampler. My Career Cluster Survey was where i found what careers i would be best at. My highest clusters were Arts, audio - video technology …show more content…

I have always wanted to make my own game, so that's why I chose game designing. Game designers design the core features of a video game. Some of the many things they do is make story lines, character biographies, role-play mechanics.Game designers work inside almost 24/7, and are sitting down for most of their hours. Most game companies (if you choose to go into one) are in large buildings in a city, so there's is not really any space for outside commodities. Gaming is growing every year, so more and more game companies are popping up. There are 1.8 BILLION gamers in the world. And what does every gamer need? Games. The salary of an entry level game designer is usually $45,320 thousand a year. But the level for a high level game designer can be all the way up at $129,700 a year! For an average game designer working at a company is $85,240 a year. The hourly wage for an average game designer is $41.80. Highschool In highschool i will try to make an A or B in my core classes. My core classes have already been decided for me. I may try to take a coding class or computer class if they offer it. For extracurricular activities i thought about maybe trying to start an Esports(Gaming) Club in 9th pr 10th …show more content…

For G.P.A I would like to maintain a b+ or 3.33 G.P.A. The lowest I can tolerate is a 2.80 because i would like to attend a good college. College I would like to get a Computer Science degree or a Video Game Design degree, both can land you a job in a video gaming company. Most employers require you to have a Bachelor's degree which is 4 years long in either Video Game Design or Computer Science. Some require you to also have experience. I believe I will go away for college, i would really like to go to a university in Maryland but for this paper I have to choose a college in North Carolina. Because of that i have chosen Central Piedmont Community College(CPCC)which offers the degree in game design and development. I plan to pay for college by taking on jobs during college and before college, since I am about to start my first job. My dad has also started a savings account for me and my sister for college money. Whenever he gets payed he puts a little in. It has accumulated a lot now. I have no plan in place for me as of yet.

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