
Personal Narrative: A Career In Space Exploration

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What is space what does it even mean? Aerospace Engineer help us find out what space is,by making ships that can go up and deeper into space to new planets and to see if there was life on those planets before.These people work in the world around us in the military,NASA and in air fields.These people get payed quite a bit to help make planes. This job does not require a college degree, but at least a high school degree. This job is fun, these people realize that many of people's lives are at stake. Many people ask how much does their job or how much will I get each year.This job pays,$105,380 per year,$50.66 per hour.Some people might say that this job does not pay the right amount of money.The wage at which half of the workers in the occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less. Median wage data are from the BLS Occupational Employment Statistics survey.In May 2014, the median annual wage for all workers was $35,540. …show more content…

This job said you need to be able to do complicate math skills and engineer skills and class. The degree that is being asked for is the Bachelor's degree. Another question that most people will ask is there any training on the job or before you go out and work in the field.Occupational Outlook Handbook shows us that the is no in the field training that it is all before you come to the job.
There are 72,500 jobs of this kind out there.Some of the most popular colleges that can help you get this job are Purdue and Rollhomens there are many different one out there in the states.The company that most people will get into is NASA.This job like at NASA you will mostly work on are planes and spaceships and rockets.This job also helps out other people around the world and in the space.One thing that this job helps with the most is trying to find new ways of making space ships that can land on Mars and come back with someone in it

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