This summer I will be a CIT (counselor in training) at Camp Cherry Valley that is located on the island of Catalina, right off the coast of Southern California. It's a really nice camp with an incredible staff, and this was one of the first things that I noticed last summer when I got off the boat that takes you from the mainland to the island. The week that I spent at the camp with my troop was as a senior patrol leader. As soon as I got back from camp I knew that I wanted to be part of the same staff as last year. The first step I needed to do to go to Camp Cherry Valley was to submit an application online write about why I believed that I qualified and was capable of doing the job. When they received my application and saw that I had already
When I was in middle school at Durham Nativity School in Durham, North Carolina, I applied to high schools that would build the foundation of my future. I went through brutal amounts of hours of writing essay, filling out applications and visiting school. I have to say that attending Fork Union Military Academy was and still is the best decision I could have made.
A man once said, “Without hard work and discipline it is difficult to be a top professional”, I didn't realize how accurate this saying was. This year, I was appointed to be the JROTC Unarmed Drill Team Commander, which consisted of leading subordinates in a freestyle and a distinct routine using military movements. Our upcoming competition was hosted by an Air Force unit, which meant that we had to adapt to a different sequence of commands, being we're an Army JROTC unit. With hard work of intense hours of practice, we looked sharp, fearless, and unified.
I was in the Marine Corps serving under Third battalion Eleventh marines Mike Battery in Twenty-Nine Palms California from 2009-2013. What our unit did was put rounds down range, oorah. We were an artillery battery, think modern day cannons. As far as twenty-nine palms all you have to imagine is sand in a five hundred square foot mile area. My job as Ammo chief was to insure the safe handling and transportation of hundred pound high explosive bombs. On one partially long training exercise I was instructed to take my marines and four ‘7-ton’ trucks and go to the rear to load up with more ammo. No problem, I’ve done this before but on this occasion when I was going to return the battery would have moved positions. So they gave me the grid number
In the fall of 2014, I applied and was accepted to be a part of the Leader in Training (LIT) program at Camp Don Lee. I knew about the LIT program because and I had always looked up to the older “LITs” as a young camper, and my older sister completed the program several years earlier, The LIT program is very selective and includes an intensive application process. Much like the college admissions process, Camp Don Lee receives many eligible candidates, but can only choose a select few based on recommendations, essays, and grades.
The Canadian Armed Forces has been a significant part of my life for as long as I can remember. My military connections have deep roots that begin with my great-great uncles William, Timothy, and John and continue today with my father, Darren, who has been a member of the Royal Canadian Navy for 35 years.
Four Native Arabic Speakers 09L volunteered for the mission, showing interest to be part of the last unit to leave Iraq after 8 years of operations in the country. At the time, I was freshly promoted Sergeant. Hence, I became the NCO of the native Arabic speakers 09L. The responsibilities were overwhelming. Nevertheless, the superiors never abandoned me to fail as a Noncommissioned Officer. The Noncommissioned Officer Corps is a non-ending cycle of learning, about the welfare and safety of the
Did I make it? That was the question I was asking myself the night before what was going to be one of the most special days of my life. After being called to leave for Air Force Basic Training on a short 8-day notice, I was now finally at the end of my journey and tomorrow I would graduate and become an Airmen. The nerves and excitement were running through my body as I was unable to sleep in anticipation of the big day. Now the day is here and I get to celebrate all my hard work by seeing my family and earning the title of an Air Force Airmen.
When I was nine, I went away to sleepaway camp in Maine for the first time. Camp Winnebago would be my home for seven and a half weeks, and I was only going to see my parents for one day in the middle for Visiting Day. As excited as I was for camp, I was really, really nervous to leave home for the first time for that long.
Hello everyone. I was born and raised in Puerto Rico. In 1987, my dad was working for IBM and was given an opportunity to move to United States. After a few months of debating and researching, my parents chose Knoxville as our new home. Four years later, I graduated from high school and enlisted in the Marine Corps. During my four years of service, I traveled from one side of the world to the other and saw and did things many people can’t even imagine. Tough as the work was at times, I wouldn’t trade that time for anything as it shaped my view of the world and, along with my family, became part of the foundation on which I built my life.
I live in Ancient Greece in the year 612. Most kids at the age of 12 are in military camp but i’m being taught by Plato, he is my tutor. My dad is in the military and i probably won’t see him until he is 60 years old or something like that, I miss him even though he can be strict but mother says the reason that he is so strict is because I am special and plus he is in the military so people are strict over there. I usually spend most of my days reading books or at the academy in athens with my tutor Plato learning something called philosophy which I have never heard of. My mom is always supporting me when it comes to that type of stuff. I kinda wonder what it is like in military camp because I never get to talk to other kids my age, but I
On top of the hill, they followed the Georgian exterior around until meeting with the wooden porch that faced eastwards, towards the redwoods. They left the tinted grass behind but the smell was far too powerful to flee from. Mr Evans kicked in the front door, with the assault rifle to his shoulder. A procedure he'd learned at military school perhaps?
Growing up as a military child and living all over the world, I was afforded many
I joined the Marine Corps looking for a challenge. I wanted to open doors for a new career and longed to have a positive impact on the world around me. Looking back five years later, I realize I found all that I originally sought, but I’ve also found something profoundly satisfying and meaningful that I never knew I was missing.
I was born in Plano, Texas, with a condition called Congenital Talipes Equinovarus, also known as clubfoot. Clubfoot caused my right foot to be rotated internally at the ankle. After surgery corrected my ankle, and although one of my feet was smaller than the other, I was able to have a healthy childhood and to play sports with no issues. As a result, of my condition and the care that I received from my doctors, I began to develop a great passion and appreciation for medicine and science. This lead me to Murfreesboro, TN where I volunteered at a summer camp for children with mental and physical disabilities, called Camp Ability. Many of the children there had little options for treatment, either it was too expensive for them to receive or the
March 2006, I made the best decision in my life, and that was to join the U.S. Navy. I left for the boot camp two months later. I have no idea what is going to be in stores for me when I hit boot camp. What I can tell was that my hands felt clammy and I was very nervous and anxious at the same time. I knew the moment that I arrive to Great Lakes, Illinois, and my life would change forever. I knew physically that I would change but how about mentally?