
Personal Narrative: A Day At Piedmont Atlanta Hospital

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The fall of 2014 was the absolute worst few months of my life. It started in the middle of September. My dad suddenly one day had a sharp pain in his side. He said he was fine, but my mom was not having that and got him to go to the hospital. The pain passed but that week they set up all kinds of scans to find out what was wrong. They figured out the pain was just gallstones. They thought they could just remove it, but that did not happen. In the same scan they found a mass in his chest. The doctors did not know what it was, so they came up with a few possibilities. A few weeks later, in the middle of October, they scheduled a surgical biopsy. Dr. Wallace, the surgeon, told us there were a few different outcomes from the surgery. I do not remember it all exactly, but I know there was one bad outcome and three others that were curable and they could fix right then and there. If it was one of the three things they could do a whole nother operation right there that day and remove it. The fourth was cancer. …show more content…

The procedure itself was only thirty minutes long. They would do the biopsy and keep him under while they tested the results. If it was one of the three good choices it would last they would go back in and do a four hour surgery. We went back with my dad for pre-op and we were with him awhile when he started to go under and get very loopy. He does not remember any of it, but he was hilarious on whatever drug he was

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