
Personal Narrative : A Short Story 'The Hidden Secret'

Decent Essays

The Hidden Secret
Some people may think i'm crazy, but i'm serious, i’ve experienced it.
It all started after school, Im in 12th grade my last year until college. I had a English Assignment given to complete, I finished the assignment and headed to my Honda 2015, I got in my car and headed straight home. I felt weird the whole way because of the highway I had to cross, so I decided to call my boyfriend, Jahir. He answered but the line was slightly being interrupted. My car broke down unexpectedly on an empty, creepy highway, what made it worse is that it was dark. Very dark.I told Jahir about it as he was on his way to pick me up.
As I heard my phone ring unexpectedly as I was having a snack and watching tv, I answered, It was my sweet girlfriend. She kept telling me that she was scared hence she was alone in her car and driving down the scary highway I knew she had to go through to go home. I tried telling her to focus on going home. Then, I heard complete silence, I could hear her startled breathing. She said “My car broke down, now i’m stranded can you come pick me up?”. I was on the way as I turned off the bright tv, I told her to stay where she was and to not go far away from the car.

Janice I hung up the phone and waited in my car patiently, looking around. It was so quiet I could maybe hear a car from a mile away. No cars moving back and forth. No people walking or even attempting to help me, Only me, like I was the last person on Earth. Then I saw

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