
Personal Narrative : Abandoned

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Abandoned One moment; that’s all it takes. A single moment that leaves you breathless almost as if time has stopped in its tracks. These moments don’t come around all the time but when they do; it’s life-changing. Cold. Dark. Abandoned. It was a cool November night in Goldsboro, NC. The seasons still transitioning from the hot and humid summer to the brisk autumn weather. Leaves scattered on the street in bright reds, oranges, and yellows. The smell of whiskey filled the air. The only sound you could hear was the agonizing screaming coming from the little brick house at the end of the street. At the time I was barely one, a young child new to the world. With no choice I lay there in the corner of the room. Tears rolled down my face one by one like the single raindrops before a storm. The screaming became louder as my parents stormed closer to the mesh playpen. “You did it again! How could you do this? Not just to me but to your daughter too!” my mom shouted. Her voice cracked as she was barely able to speak. It was like someone had their hand covering her mouth allowing her only to speak when they released their hand for a brief moment. My mom's cold hands slipped under my arms as she picked me up from the playpen. Tears filled her dark brown eyes as the screaming ceased; suddenly then all at once. She tightened her grip around me as we watched him walk out the front door leaving only memories and broken promises behind. We waited days for the return of the man we thought

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