
Personal Narrative: An Interview With A Vietnam Woman

Decent Essays

I interviewed my grandma, Diane Thompson, about what the American Dream was for her in her 20’s in the 1970’s. In 1970 she was 21 and in 1979 she was 30. Diane was a young female adult. In 1970 she was married and out of school for 3 years, she had 2 kids by 1970 and her husband was a fireman. Diane worked at Wachovia Bank as a teenager to get herself on her feet and then became a stay at home mom raising her 2 kids. She described life as being hard since she only had her husband’s paycheck rolling in and she was out of work herself. Diane had to take care of herself and 3 other people, and do all the chores around the house. Her and her family were Baptist Christians. She was in the middle social class. She was a high school graduate and didn’t go to college. Diane said, “You had to be smart or rich to go to college.” In 1971 she had her third and final child, my mom. She described weekends as her ‘fun days’ One thing her family did was go out to McDonald’s and get a $1 hamburger as a ‘treat.’ They didn’t get to do fun things that my generation would do on weekends today. …show more content…

She also described it scary times of wondering what would happen and desperately wanting closure on the war ending. She said her and her family would gather around the television and watch the news a lot. Diane had other dreams like to own her own house and to have enough money to take care of her family. Times were tough making $8,900 a year as an average family. Money was definitely tight and they had to be picky with their purchases. She said going out to McDonald’s or to go out to a restaurant was rare and ‘a treat.’ They didn’t get to go out and party or go to family places and have lots of fun like most young

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