
Personal Narrative : Becoming A Dentist

Decent Essays

Pandemonium. Sitting inside the film room at the Sprint Center in Kanas City, the pandemonium is diminished to distant cheers and faded clapping. As a second year student-manager for the Iowa State men’s basketball team, my job for the Big 12 Tournament was to record our game being played. That means I sat in a small back room in the arena with a few people, usually managers from the opposing team, and make sure nothing goes wrong with the recording. During the game, I kept feeling sorry for myself, wondering why I got assigned to this awful job. This is so unfair, why do I even do this job?
Coming into Iowa State, I was deadset on becoming a dentist. I was going to graduate from Iowa State with a high GPA, score high on the DAT, and get accepted to a great dentistry program. After taking my first biology and chemistry classes, that plan quickly changed. I was working a part-time job, but other than the 15 hours a week, I was hardly productive. I ended my freshman year very discouraged with a 2.60 GPA. I then switched my major to marketing with a second major in management. I knew that it was a lot easier for a GPA to go down than up, so it was time to buckle down.
As an above average athlete in high school, I always dreamed of college athletics. Being a part of a team was something I loved. As my high school career came to an end, I realized that college athletics was not in my future. How could I remain in athletics outside of fandom? I decided to email an assistant

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