It was the burning in my throat that woke me up. I coughed, a hacking rattle, and stared as my breath steamed into the air. "It cannot really be that cold in here," I mumbled, pulling the covers around myself. I tried to recapture the last few images of the dream I had just been having. Slowly it came back to me in bits and flashes - I had put a ring on my finger and turned into a dragon. I had raced through the sky, wings beating against the air, wisps of clouds caressing my blue, scaly skin. Far beneath me a sleek, black car full of blond Nazis had raced along a curving road. I had opened my jaws wide and sprayed flames towards the ground. My alarm went off, and I rolled out of bed, happy to find that the temperature in my room was not, in fact, below zero. I stood in front of the mirror and stared at my short brown hair tufting away from my thin, pale face and my brown eyes that had shadowy circles under them. At sixteen years old I already knew that I was not, nor would I ever be, a morning person. …show more content…
I grabbed the first clean sweater and jeans I could find and pulled them on, ignoring the thought that I'd look better if I actually gave myself more than a few minutes to get ready in the morning. I shoved my feet into my shoes and ran down the staircase to the kitchen, grabbing my red bookbag on the way. "Morning, Maria," my mom said, shaking her head slightly as I shoved a poptart into the toaster. "Morning," I replied, voice hoarse, winking at my little brother, Benjamin, who was sitting at the table eating a bowl of ceral. "And I know, I know. I should get up earlier." I grabbed the poptart, slammed the front door behind me and rushed down the porch stairs. I could see the bus waiting for me at the end of the long, winding
The worker contacted Misty Black who is a friend of Brittany Hardin. Mrs. Black stated “Brittany was in a situation where her ex (well she told me they were already broken up at the time) had assaulted her. Brittany had called me after Ronita Grady had hit her so I immediately called the police and made my way to Brittany. When I arrived the OCPD were already there speaking to Brittany. The officers also spoke to me and I told him I was the one who called them. After the police left Brittany and the boys stayed with me for a couple days because Brittany was still shaken up. The boys all seemed okay, I don’t think they really knew what had just happened. Brittany thanked me for helping her, because at the time we weren’t really speaking to
I heard the faint high pitched beeping of my alarm clock as I opened my sleep covered eyes. I attempted to roll out from under my covers but immediately retreated as I felt the chilly spring air touch my skin. While I was mustering up the motivation to get out of bed, I glanced at my alarm clock. “11:00 AM” it read in boxy, glowing numbers. Had I really slept in that long? I finally rose from my bed, traveling down the stairs to make myself some breakfast. “Hi, girl!” I greeted my dog where she was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. I smiled to myself as I turned on some music, opened the fridge to retrieve some eggs, and turned on the stove. It felt like a fine Saturday morning until I remembered that I had a lacrosse game later
I woke up on the very edge of my bed my blankets tossed on the floor and my head buried into a pillow. I groaned as I pushed myself off the bed picking up the blankets and laying them on the mattress. I stretched my arms and yawned as I walked over to my bathroom and twisting the knobs trying to find a perfect temperature.
Living in a society where being colorblind is now a trend, it is hard for most individuals to believe that racism still exits, and still taunts minorities through laws. Although transitioning away from slavery and the civil rights movement has assisted African Americans’ in longer being suppressed in society— another obstacle of suppression is a live, and runs through the criminal justice system. In this paper you will see how and why drug laws were created and its effects, how law inequality is supported by racial discrimination; criminal justice policies and its leading to the rise of incarceration rates, the promotion of the Rockefeller drug law by African Americans’, and Clinton’s reaction toward the 1994 law.
As a child between the ages of three and four, you start to discover whom you are from the color of your skin to the social gender identity in the world. As a little girl every time I looked in the mirror I noticed the color I was brown and when I was at school I was always separated with the specific group to go in girl’s bathroom. Going to elementary school you learned about many topics in history class but the two topics that relate to black children is slavery and civil rights movement. When you reach middle school, you begin to learn about women’s rights suffrage movement and how we as women are still fighting for rights. In school to this day as a college student, all I ever learned is how women and African American’s are mistreated in
While you gathered up all of your street-stained shit and headed for my door, I stayed in bed frozen, except for my lips which were smacking and sticking together nervously like Marzipan. The heat was violent, and a
Too black for the White kids, yet somehow too white for the Black kids, oh the perils of a cappuccino mixed race kid. But it’s true. My life since I was young, at least younger than my eighteen year old self, has been about which group do I most fit in with. Between the four school changes over the course of twelve years, all in white suburban towns I’ve molded myself into an array of characters.
Everyone in their life will face a barrier. A barrier is a challenge or obstacle that makes it difficult or prevents you from moving forward. Some examples of a barrier you would face would be a death in your family,drugs or alcohol,etc. My barrier that I faced was of the unknowing. My friends and family were all involved with my barrier. I have my barrier everywhere I go. I've been faced with my barrier for a ew years now.
I’m a black male so I must be dumb, violent, and ghetto. My girlfriend is from Ecuador, so she can’t speak English. My mom is from the south of the Mason-Dixon line, so her husband must be her cousin. I was raised in Newark, NJ that must mean I’m a black male who can’t read or selling narcotics on the street corner. I’ve been stereotyped for my whole life. Ever since I came out the womb, I have been captivated in stereotype wheel and I haven’t been able to escape. I despise the fact that I get judged based on what’s the color of my skin, where I was born, what music I listen to, and also what things I like to do. Stereotypes is the biggest weight minorities have to fight against me.There are some groups
The place we come from shapes our ideas of the world and our understanding. Richard Milner IV, “Losing the Color-Blind Mind in the Urban Classroom” (2012) highlights people who don’t view themselves as racist can have trouble understanding how racism works and how it manifests through policies in structures that prevent minorities from succeeding in classroom plus through life. Milner’s insist teachers need to stop using the color blind mindset by recognizing the color differences of themselves and their students. He supports that it’s impossible to build connections between students if we don’t acknowledge race. He continues in suggesting curriculum be built to reflect the racial and ethnic background of students. He establishes not infusing race/ethnic conscious curriculum marginalizes a group from being recognized of their contribution to society. In addition students from a specific ethnic backgrounds miss opportunities to deepen their knowledge about other ethnic groups (critical constructivist). Collectively peoples social, historical, and cultural knowledge shapes who they are. Kincheloe, Joe L. (2005) highlights to acquire knowledge it’s misleading to assume it’s based merely on memorizing facts and truths. Kincheloe continues to claim that “critical constructivist” attempt to maximize our understanding through discovery and engagement not memorization. Constructivist rebuttal factual info is transferred from teacher to pupil. However, knowledge is constructed by the
I'm going insane, I can tell. I blink and I see flashes of things that never happened, faces of people that I've never met, and colors. Always colors. Maybe it's the dehydration. They only give me enough water to stay alive, nothing more. As for food, I'm steadily losing weight. I'm all skin and bones, and colors.
Whenever I think of my fingers, I think, what’s worse than breaking your nail? My answer is it being smashed off your finger. I was only 8 years old when my thumb was smashed to smithereens, and here is how it all happened.
FIRST, I had to wait ~8 min for the driver to come, which was unusually long. I chose to pool so it makes sense to wait for a few minutes until the driver finds another person to pool, but I have never waited that long in my previous trips.
Ann Marie awoke, which was odd, because she thought that she had killed herself. She opened her eyes, closing them again quickly when she saw a bright light. She sighed, it was probably a dream she had. But as she went to go stand up she felt a heavy feeling of, what felt like weights, on her back. She looked at her back and she gasped, she had wings on her back! She really did use the razor blade, but she got sent to heaven apparently... She tried to walk on her own, but her wings kept weighing her down and she could not keep herself standing upright. She didn't even know how to use her wings!
ready. I always had to count to three to get out of bed I never was able to just jump out of bed. Finally I got up and realized it was a lot colder than when I was under my silky smooth sheets and electric blanket. I quickly ran to the shower and jumped in. It felt so nice and warm I didn't ever want to get out but I knew that I would be late if I didn't. I got out and got dressed quickly to trap in as much heat as I could. I headed downstairs to start making breakfast. I looked in the freezer for some waffles but there weren't any in there. “Crap!” I exclaimed.