
Personal Narrative: Dr. Gonzalez

Decent Essays

The opportunity to shadow my pediatrician, Dr. Gonzalez was one of my most rewarding experiences. I learned the responsibilities Dr. Gonzalez has, the importance of having diligent staff, the amount of knowledge a pediatrician has on various diseases, how conditions affect health, growth statistics, and the characteristics a pediatrician needs to be successful. Exceptional pediatricians like Dr. Gonzalez are sensitive, enjoy interacting with patients, tolerant of mistakes made by children or parents, comfortable around children of all ages, and enjoy providing advice to people. I was able to talk to most patients and parents about my goals as a pre-med student, and they said I had what it took to be a great doctor. I learn how to measure systolic …show more content…

We worked on building awareness surrounding animal rights at St. Edward’s University as well as making an impact on the animal community. We spread awareness by providing flyers about the animals we helped and handed out brochures from the Austin Zoo during our service project. We identified a need, in this case Austin Zoo’s lack of blankets for their animals and contributed our time and manpower towards helping the Austin Zoo in any way needed. On April 9th, 2016 we assisted the zoo by transferring loads of sand in four wheelbarrows to the mammal area enclosure. At the enclosure, we filled buckets with sand and repeated this process for about three hours. In addition, we gave elementary students the opportunity to donate linens and help build blankets so that they could engage in the service project and help Hilltop Leader members make a grander …show more content…

These tabs support the Ronald McDonald House because they are able to be exchanged at a local recycling center for funds. The money received goes to work immediately to support the Ronald McDonald House mission of providing a “Home-Away-From-Home” for critically ill children and their families throughout the Rio Grande Valley. Ninety percent of the families do not have the financial resources to contribute the $10 per night fee. The actual cost for providing services is about $100 per night. Even so, no one is turned away due to inability to pay. In addition to the financial reward, one of the truly special aspects about the pull-tab program is that each tab represents a time that I made a conscious decision to support the Ronald McDonald House in Harlingen, Texas. The vote of confidence is every bit as salient as the money itself, and I am honored to have demonstrated the community good-will that the Ronald McDonald organization

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