
Personal Narrative Essay: Choosing A Blown Car

Decent Essays

Desperate times call for desperate measures. In high school I moved out of city limits to discover that there was no bus stops near by and found myself needing a car as soon as possible to get to school. All I had was 500 dollars and about a week until the semester started. I should’ve felt apprehensive about only having 500 for a car but thoughts of being self-reliant and unchained blinded me to the reality of the quality of vehicle I’d be purchasing. After only a few days of searching we found something in that price range; a 1994 Ford Escort hatchback with 190 thousand miles. The man that sold it to us had to tow it to the house with his truck because it had been sitting in the driveway so long the battery drained and had a few other maintenance issues to take care of. So when I saw the car for …show more content…

Being a two door hatchback that barely reached my chest when standing next to it, I felt like the proud owner of a clown car. It was a nauseating sea foam green color that oddly reminded oneself of slimy algae and decay. It had two matching grey hubcaps, a third that was the same as the other two but the color didn’t quite match, and the fourth tire never even had one at all. I did that car no favors when it came to it’s cosmetic appeal either. The very first day while trying to fully clip in the panel on the inside of the driver’s side door I had accidentally snapped off the window crank handle. When pushing it into a parking spot after a stall out, I didn’t think about being in the car to hit the breaks once I was in the spot. I pushed it up over the curb and into a tree, adding a lovely grapefruit sized hole in the dead center of the front bumper. I had broken the driver’s side emergency handle above the window in half because I had tried to lift myself out of the seat without actually putting forth the effort to stand up. I was wrong to think that the car couldn’t get any more unappealing after

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