
Personal Narrative Essay : My Life As A Journey To A Family Life

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I grew up in a house nestled in the mountains of Colorado, with a very unconventional family life. I was taught how to appreciate nature, and how to set up a tent, and how to downhill ski at the age of 4. I knew nothing about God, I had never even been to a church. I was always the kid who asked countless questions, and I remember asking my family if there was a God, I don’t think I ever got an answer. My childhood was also a lot messier than most kids, my parents split up when I was nine and when my mom was laid off of her job she started drinking a lot, and slowly fell into the arms of alcoholism. I remember nights when I would call my dad because my mom was so drunk that she passed out or was trying to drive somewhere. After some time I decided as an eleven year old that living with my mom wasn't safe, so I moved in full time with my dad, and cut off all contact with my mom. My dad felt so guily that my mom was hurting me so he went to court and fought hard for custody and after 6 months we won, it was truly the sweetest victory. It wasn’t until high school that my best friend invited me to youth group. I showed up and everyone started hugging me, and I was so confused as to why these people already loved me. After that night I knew there was something inside them that I needed. My sophomore year of high school I decided to go on a week long mission trip to Jamaica. That week completely changed my life, a friend of mine was washing my feet and at that moment jesus so

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