
Personal Narrative Essay On Beowulf

Decent Essays

I am Kade of Lindsey and, though I am a peaceful man not often prone to violence, I must go to war today. Under nearly any other circumstances I would stay home and away from the abomination of Anglo-Saxon battle. The rage of war doesn’t very well suit me, however I will gladly fight against the creatons of Mercia I am not entirely sure why this feud has broken out nor do I care, honestly. I am going to war with Mercia solely because the true love of my life has left me for a Mercian. For quite some time, I was too heartbroken and depressed to attempt to do anything about this and now it is seemingly too late. It seems that she has now completely moved on from me and taken my heart and its contents with her. Despite this, I am now ready to fight just for the chance to spill his blood. I can easily defeat him on the field of battle as I am much larger and a great deal stronger than he. That is what infuriates me most, I believe. For all my might, intelligence, and prowess, I still cannot win back her heart from this poor scrawny man. I normally carry …show more content…

I can hear my heart beating through the thick blanket of heaving breaths. I cannot help but wonder if I will hear that sound much longer. For the first time I consider the thought that I could easily be killed before I even find the one I’m here for. The Mercians have come to face us. We prepare to charge when the order comes. I say a swift prayer for protection and victory. The call comes, though I barely hear it through the piercing sound of my own ears ringing. It takes my mind a moment to process that it is time to charge so I am behind at the jump. As I sprint off into battle, I get boxed in by warriors slower than myself. People are being impaled around me as I weave through stampeding bodies, searching for my target. Cries of agony and thrill are unceasingly filling the air accompanied by the sounds of metal striking metal and spears forcing their way through weaker

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