
Essay On Personal Situation In Beowulf

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Throughout society, people judge a situation by only hearing one side to every situation. This occurs in everyday life; however it also is present throughout British Literature. In this essay, it will show how a personal situation can be misunderstood just as Grendel was miss- understood throughout Beowulf. Everyone always says things that they wish they could take back, however in life some of these situations can never be forgiven. Everybody in their life has gossip over their opinions on certain aspects of peoples’ lives. Everybody has had a situation like this to occur in their life, but it is what people learn from these experiences that make these Trials and Tribulations worthwhile. “You never understand what I’m going through”, …show more content…

I had just found out that I have an essay due the next day because a teacher forgot to tell the class about the assignment that would count twenty percent of our final grade for the nine weeks. “Can you help me with my math homework”, said Alyssa in a questionable tone, “Because I don’t understand how to do it?” “Alyssa”, screamed Will across the room, “I do not have time to help you with your homework!” His sister shuts down and slowly secludes from her family as no one seems to understand her struggles that she deals with on a daily basis. Every event that happens throughout our everyday life can be viewed differently through the eye of the beholder. At points throughout our life, we are looked at like we are the bad guys in the situation when if some people would look through another perspective, they would see a completely different side to a story. This is present throughout everyday literature including Grendel. Grendel shows us how it is to be portrayed as a monster by one perspective when in reality he was just curious and lonely. Throughout the story of Beowulf, Grendel is portrayed as a vicious monster that attacks the people throughout the city when in reality he was just being curious and was tired of being lonely. The people also looked at Grendel as a person who killed people for just the fun of it when in reality he was just tired of hearing the music from herot and never being invited to the

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