
Personal Narrative Essay On Brown's Jazz Concert

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The second weekend in April was solely dedicated to Brown’s jazz festival, which he was very proud to call the largest jazz festival within the county. Honestly, no one knew if he was telling the truth or not, but it was best to just nod your head and agree with him. Especially now that he was reiterating this “fact” right before we were supposed to go and perform for said jazz festival. He did this very same thing last night too. The sixteen of us in Jazz One, indicated by the ugly yellow polo shirts, stood in a circle around Brown, who was ranting away about how much he loved his festival after he finished tuning all of us. I stopped listening to him after a minute, I was far more focused on the jitters I was feeling in the pit of my stomach. Tonight was my night. Brendan was right about Brown going with three altos for Jazz One; Brown insisted it was because we all sounded so good together, I knew it was because we were all seniors. Brendan, as planned, was granted the part of …show more content…

The other band finished their song. The audience clapped, and hooted, and called out embarrassing pet names for their kids. We walked on stage and sat in our designated seats. The stage lights beating down on us were hot and I needed to squint to see. The audience was a collection of tiny dark specks I was looking out at past Brown’s wide yellow clad torso. Zoe had pulled the music stand in front of us into position, flipping through the pages in the folder and finding the song and the solo page. She handed the latter to me. I grabbed it hard, crinkling the side. And Brown began counting the tempo. Brendan stood and went over to the music stand. I would follow after twenty measures. We lifted our instruments into playing position, and I bit down hard into my mouthpiece. Brown was snapping his fingers softly and began to mouth the tempo. I let my foot fall into the rhythm of the

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